# Setup Komodo Notary Node
This guide is here to give guidance and a general understanding on building a Komodo Notary Node server. It is possible that some instructions could be deprecated by the time you read it. It describes how to build the two required notary node servers: Mainnet and Third Party(3P).
Note that, whenever the "Main Server" is referenced, it is referring to the server that is used to notarize Komodo and Smart Chains to Bitcoin. Whenever "3rd Party server" is referenced, it is referring to the server that is used to notarize any 3rd party coin to Komodo.
This guide will explain how to setup your Main Server, then go through the process of setting up the 3rd Party Server separately. After that there are instructions on how to create your Notary Node pubkeys
, import them to your servers and then, create a basic start script for each server. Having a second server (or VM) is now a requirement for Komodo Notary Nodes. There are ways to have a single server and then creating separate virtual machines on it, instead of having two separate servers. This guide won't touch on how to do that.
If you face problems, please join the #notarynode
channel on the Komodo Discord Server (opens new window)
# NN Repo Quick Reference
We recommend the Notary Node Operators to check the Table at https://github.com/komodoplatform/dpow#dpow-asset-status (opens new window) for latest information on the repositories and branches to run. If there is contradicting information in this document, treat the information at https://github.com/komodoplatform/dpow#dpow-asset-status (opens new window) as correct and inform the team through the Komodo Discord Server (opens new window). Using the exact repository and branch/tag recommended is very important for the security of the network.
# Both Servers
- KMD: https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/komodo/tree/e159b4e7a40d3886519401c4074e957a1f9d42ba (opens new window) Tree:
- Iguana (no autosplit): https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/dPoW (opens new window) Branch:
# Main Server
- BTC: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin (opens new window) Branch:
# 3rd Party Server
- Powerblockcoin: https://github.com/pbcllc/powerblockcoin-core/tree/51f456afda4dea643a27341d3b5762769937675e (opens new window) Tree:
- EMC2: https://github.com/emc2foundation/einsteinium.git (opens new window) Branch:
. Commit:70d7dc2b94e0b275f026ae51fda2a23725929bfd
- CHIPS: https://github.com/jl777/chips3.git (opens new window) Branch:
. Commit:31d59f9d8fa4a8e00dd474ef0561a5b174056d86
- AYA: https://github.com/sillyghost/AYAv2.git (opens new window) Branch:
. Commit:fd94422aff2886919dc963d85c313df4dfb0d770
- VRSC: https://github.com/VerusCoin/VerusCoin (opens new window) Tag:
. Commit:ab82cc9aad27db997d8dd9d30ebd973a78c22abc
- MCL: https://github.com/marmarachain/Marmara-v.1.0.git (opens new window) Branch:
- GLEEC https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/GleecBTC-FullNode-Win-Mac-Linux/tree/b4ffcc9b4ed829cefb1afc27e1c81a7e5be4cffd (opens new window) Tree:
# Requirements
# Hardware
# Main Server
Komodo Notary Node currently only works on Linux. To setup Komodo Notary Node be sure you have a solid server with the following minimum requirements:
- OS: Ubuntu 18.x or Debian 10.x is recommended.
- CPU: A High-Performance CPU (e.g. Xeon, i7/i9, Ryzen, EPYC, etc.)
- RAM: 64 GB or more
- Disk: 1 TB SSD or greater
- Bandwidth: 100 Mbps or higher
- Location: The region where you were elected (refer to Komodo region documentation, but you should already know based on elections)
# 3rd Party Server
At the moment the current minimum server specs are listed below, however, this may change as more 3rd party coins require notarizing.
- OS: Ubuntu 18.x or Debian 10.x is recommended.
- CPU: A High-Performance CPU (e.g. Xeon, i7/i9, Ryzen, EPYC, etc.)
- RAM: 32 GB or more
- Disk: 500 GB SSD or greater
- Bandwidth: 100 Mbps or higher
- Location: Within the same region as your main server (not required to be in the same datacenter)
# Operating System
Recommended: Debian/Ubuntu LTS x64 - minimal installation with Openssh server.
# Security
Before doing anything further, please ensure that your server is secure.
Update the Operating System:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Install Fail2ban (opens new window).
Please run processes as an unprivileged user and use
where necessary
Here is a repo with automated scripts to prepare your fresh Ubuntu server with initial setup https://github.com/webworker01/freshubuntu (opens new window)
# Initial Server Setup
The instructions below are required on both of your servers.
# Install Required Dependencies
sudo apt-get install libevent-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev python-zmq zlib1g-dev wget curl bsdmainutils automake cmake clang libsodium-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libssl-dev git unzip python jq htop -y
# Install nanomsg
Required by iguana
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/nanomsg/nanomsg
cd nanomsg
make -j2
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
# Install Komodo by compiling it from source
# Clone the source, checkout master
branch and compile
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/komodo
cd komodo
git checkout e159b4e
./zcutil/build.sh -j$(nproc)
uses all the available processor threads while compiling. If you don't want to use all threads, you may specify the number directly like so: -j8
will use only 8 threads; Alternatively, you may like to use -j$(expr $(nproc) - 1)
, which will use all the available processors except one.
# Symlink the compiled binaries
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/komodo/src/komodo-cli /usr/local/bin/komodo-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/komodo/src/komodod /usr/local/bin/komodod
# Create the data dir, komodo.conf
file and secure it
cd ~
mkdir .komodo
nano ~/.komodo/komodo.conf
Add the following lines to the komodo.conf
file and save it (replace rpcuser and rpcpassword)
Restrict access to the komodo.conf
chmod 600 ~/.komodo/komodo.conf
# Generate two pubkey
, address
The mainnet notary node operators have to provide 2 seperate pubkeys, one for your Main Server and one for your 3rd Party Server. This means you will have to generate 2 seed phrases individually(passphrase) which will generate the 2 pubkeys, set of addresses and private keys (WIF). You will need to create your Main pubkey on your Main Server & follow the same actions on your 3rd Party Server for your 3rd Party pubkey.
DO NOT IMPORT YOUR MAIN PUBKEY INTO ANY 3RD PARTY DAEMON. For security, you should never enter your seed phrase or privatekey in any other node than your specific notary node server. If you ever expose a private key for any particular coin, it can be converted to all other coins easily.
# Generating a pubkey
The mainnet notary node operators need to provide 2 sets of pubkey to Kolo when he asks for it (pubkey starts with 02
or 03
). Follow this guide to generate all the required info in your own server. You will need the "Compressed Public Key", "Compressed WIF" and "Compressed Address" from the output generated by the script. Based on the default seed used in the genkomodo.php
file, we get the following information:
Pubkey: 02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1
BTC Address: 1M68ML9dMZZPEdrjncUCe7ZWadAGUxMNyv
BTC WIF: L24bEAJSkFCdjoQNEcboWfJdsLGLmkBgfGb4TSHnbhEmU9jenaes
KMD Address: RVNKRr2uxPMxJeDwFnTKjdtiLtcs7UzCZn
EMC2 Address: EdF2quz8nWrJDwTbbTTieFYUMGfPsVB5dv
EMC2 WIF: T7trfubd9dBEWe3EnFYfj1r1pBueqqCaUUVKKEvLAfQvz3JFsNhs
AYA Address: AVjkMgFfmMZbpFvmTxCcxadnD6g1EdQue3
AYA WIF: T6oxgc9ZYJA1Uvsm31Gb8Mg31hHgLWue7RuqQMjEHUWZEi5TdskL
CHIPS, all Komodo Smart Chains and Komodo source forks like VRSC use the same address and WIF format as Komodo (KMD).
It is recommended that you write down the randomly generated seed (24 words) in a piece of paper and type directly into your server. Do not keep the seed saved in your local computer.
We will import these keys into our coin daemons and validate them later in this guide.
# Setup Iguana
On both servers:
# Clone the repository and build
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/dPoW -b master
cd dPoW/iguana
# Create a pubkey.txt
You will need to create a pubkey.txt
file inside ~/dPoW/iguana
directory. This file will be used to start the dPoW process in the dpowassets
script later on. pubkey.txt
file should contain only the pubkey of the appropriate server. The file should contain only the information in the example below. Change 02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1
to the appropriate pubkey for the server the file is on.
# Main Server Iguana
The main server iguana will use the port 7776.
# Create wp_7776
Create wp_7776
file inside the ~/dPoW/iguana
directory with the same passphrase you used to generate your Main address/pubkey. The file should look as follows (replace YOUR_VERY_SECURE_PASSPHRASE
with your own):
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"walletpassphrase\",\"params\":[\"YOUR_VERY_SECURE_PASSPHRASE\", 9999999]}"
# Make wp_7776
file executable
chmod 700 wp_7776
# 3rd Party Server Iguana
The 3rd party server iguana will use the port 7779.
# Create wp_7779
Create wp_7779
file inside the ~/dPoW/iguana
directory with the same passphrase you used to generate your 3rd Party address/pubkey. The file should look as follows (replace YOUR_VERY_SECURE_PASSPHRASE
with your own):
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"walletpassphrase\",\"params\":[\"YOUR_VERY_SECURE_PASSPHRASE\", 9999999]}"
# Make wp_7779
file executable
chmod 700 wp_7779
# Main Server Setup
The instructions below are only required on your main server, which is the one that will be notarizing Komodo, all the Smart Chains and runtime forks to Bitcoin.
# Bitcoin
# Step 1: Clone Bitcoin source-code and checkout version 16.x
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin -b 0.16
cd bitcoin
# Step 2: Create a build script
Name the script as build.sh
inside the ~/bitcoin
dir for easy compiling and add the contents below to the script. The script will also create symlinks for the binaries at /usr/local/bin/
and for that, you will be asked to provide the sudo
berkeleydb () {
wget -N 'http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz'
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cat <<-EOL >atomic-builtin-test.cpp
#include <stdint.h>
#include "atomic.h"
int main() {
db_atomic_t *p; atomic_value_t oldval; atomic_value_t newval;
__atomic_compare_exchange(p, oldval, newval);
return 0;
if g++ atomic-builtin-test.cpp -I./db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc -DHAVE_ATOMIC_SUPPORT -DHAVE_ATOMIC_X86_GCC_ASSEMBLY -o atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null; then
echo "No changes to bdb source are needed ..."
rm atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null
echo "Updating atomic.h file ..."
sed -i 's/__atomic_compare_exchange/__atomic_compare_exchange_db/g' db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc/atomic.h
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$BITCOIN_PREFIX
make install
buildBITCOIN () {
git pull
make clean
./configure LDFLAGS="-L${BITCOIN_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${BITCOIN_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared
make -j$(nproc)
cd ~/bitcoin
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/bitcoin/src/bitcoin-cli /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/bitcoin/src/bitcoind /usr/local/bin/bitcoind
# Step 3: Make the script executable and run it
chmod +x build.sh
# Step 4: Create Bitcoin data dir, bitcoin.conf
file and restrict access to it
cd ~
mkdir .bitcoin
nano ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
Insert the following contents inside the bitcoin.conf
file and save it. (change the rpcuser
and rpcpassword
Restrict access to the bitcoin.conf
chmod 600 ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
# Start the daemons and sync all the chains
For the first time sync, we will run all the coin daemons normally. Make sure you have successfully compiled all the daemons from the above section. We will create a start
script later in this guide to start the chains with -pubkey
option for notarization.
# Start the coins
komodod &
bitcoind &
# Start Komodo and all the Smart Chains
cd ~/komodo/src
Now wait for all the chains to finish syncing. This might take about 8-10 hours depending on your machine and internet connection. You can check check sync progress by using tail -f
on the debug.log
file in the respective coin data directories. Komodo Smart Chains have their own data directory inside the ~/.komodo
Commands to tail debug.log
tail -f ~/.bitcoin/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/SUPERNET/debug.log
For any other Komodo Smart Chain, use the example of SUPERNET and change the path with the coin name that you are looking for accordingly. You can now wait for all the coins to finish syncing. Just double check the blocks you've downloaded with an explorer to verify.
# Import your main private key
Feel free to import these as the daemons are syncing.
- Follow the below example to import your main pubkey only into your coin daemons.
komodo-cli importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
bitcoin-cli importprivkey WNejFTXR11LFx2L8wvEKEqvjHkL1D3Aa4CCBdEYQyBzbBKjPLHJQ
- For all other Komodo Smart Chains, use the following command to import privkey
cd ~/komodo/src
./fiat-cli importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
This command will import keys into all Smart Chains that are using the main Komodo daemon. This may take some time and will display the coin name and address after each import. You can tail the coin specific debug.log
files to check the progress.
# Validate the addresses
After all the addresses are imported, using the respective <COIN>-cli
, validate all addresses and make sure the response has ismine:true
. If you have ismine:false
, your address wasn't imported correctly and dPoW will not work for that coin. Sample command for that is below.
komodo-cli validateaddress RVNKRr2uxPMxJeDwFnTKjdtiLtcs7UzCZn
# Copy the pubkey.txt
file that we created from the ~/dPoW/iguana
You will need to create a pubkey.txt
file inside ~/komodo/src/
. This file will be used to start all of your daemons with the -pubkey=
parameter in your start
script that will be made later in this guide.
cp ~/dPoW/iguana/pubkey.txt ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt
# Stop All the Coin Daemons Safely
Once you've completed syncing, imported and validated your keys in all your daemons, complete the following.
Never use kill -9
to kill any Coin daemon if you don't like corrupt databases. Always shutdown wallet daemon and iguana gracefully with pkill -15 iguana
or use the below RPC commands for wallets.
komodo-cli stop
bitcoin-cli stop
For all other Komodo Smart Chains, use the following command to stop
the daemons.
cd ~/komodo/src
./fiat-cli stop
# After all the chains' daemons were stopped gracefully, let's restrict access to all the Komodo Smart Chains' .conf
files inside ~/.komodo
find ~/.komodo -type f -iname "*.conf" -exec chmod 600 {} \;
To complete setting up your main server, go to the Set 'ulimit' parameters on Ubuntu permanently section.
# 3rd Party Server Setup
The instructions below are only required on your 3rd party server, which is the one that will be notarizing 3rd party coins to Komodo.
# Aryacoin (AYA)
# Step 1: Clone AYA source
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/sillyghost/AYAv2.git -b master
cd AYAv2
git checkout fd94422
# Step 2: Create a build script
Name the script as build.sh
inside the ~/AYAv2
dir for easy compiling and add the contents below to the script. The script will also create symlinks for the binaries at /usr/local/bin/
and for that, you will be asked to provide the sudo
# AYA build script for Ubuntu & Debian 9 v.3 (c) Decker (and webworker)
berkeleydb () {
mkdir -p $AYA_PREFIX
wget -N 'http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz'
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cat <<-EOL >atomic-builtin-test.cpp
#include <stdint.h>
#include "atomic.h"
int main() {
db_atomic_t *p; atomic_value_t oldval; atomic_value_t newval;
__atomic_compare_exchange(p, oldval, newval);
return 0;
if g++ atomic-builtin-test.cpp -I./db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc -DHAVE_ATOMIC_SUPPORT -DHAVE_ATOMIC_X86_GCC_ASSEMBLY -o atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null; then
echo "No changes to bdb source are needed ..."
rm atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null
echo "Updating atomic.h file ..."
sed -i 's/__atomic_compare_exchange/__atomic_compare_exchange_db/g' db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc/atomic.h
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$AYA_PREFIX
make install
buildAYA () {
git pull
./configure LDFLAGS="-L${AYA_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${AYA_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared --with-incompatible-bdb
make -j$(nproc)
echo "Done building AYA!"
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/AYAv2/src/aryacoin-cli /usr/local/bin/aryacoin-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/AYAv2/src/aryacoind /usr/local/bin/aryacoind
# Step 3: Make the script executable and run it
chmod +x build.sh
# Step 4: Create AYA data dir, aryacoin.conf
file and restrict access to it
cd ~
mkdir .aryacoin
nano ~/.aryacoin/aryacoin.conf
Insert the following contents inside the aryacoin.conf
file and save it. (change the rpcuser
and rpcpassword
Restrict access to the aryacoin.conf
chmod 600 ~/.aryacoin/aryacoin.conf
# Chips
# Step 1: Clone CHIPS source
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/jl777/chips3 -b master
cd chips3
git checkout 31d59f9
# Step 2: Build
# Ubuntu 18.04
# Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.04
Replace the contents of the build.sh
file with the following code
berkeleydb() {
mkdir -p $CHIPS_PREFIX
wget -N 'http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz'
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cat <<-EOL >atomic-builtin-test.cpp
#include <stdint.h>
#include "atomic.h"
int main() {
db_atomic_t *p; atomic_value_t oldval; atomic_value_t newval;
__atomic_compare_exchange(p, oldval, newval);
return 0;
if g++ atomic-builtin-test.cpp -I./db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc -DHAVE_ATOMIC_SUPPORT -DHAVE_ATOMIC_X86_GCC_ASSEMBLY -o atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null; then
echo "No changes to bdb source are needed ..."
rm atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null
echo "Updating atomic.h file ..."
sed -i 's/__atomic_compare_exchange/__atomic_compare_exchange_db/g' db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc/atomic.h
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$CHIPS_PREFIX
make install
buildCHIPS() {
git pull
./configure LDFLAGS="-L${CHIPS_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${CHIPS_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared
make -j$(nproc)
echo "Done building CHIPS!"
then, run the script
# Step 3: Symlink the compiled binaries
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/chips3/src/chips-cli /usr/local/bin/chips-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/chips3/src/chipsd /usr/local/bin/chipsd
# Step 4: Create CHIPS data dir, chips.conf
file and restrict access to it
cd ~
mkdir .chips
nano ~/.chips/chips.conf
Insert the following contents inside the chips.conf
file and save it. (change the rpcuser
and rpcpassword
Restrict access to the chips.conf
chmod 600 ~/.chips/chips.conf
# Einsteinium (EMC2)
# Step 1: Clone EMC2 source
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/emc2foundation/einsteinium -b master
cd einsteinium
git checkout 70d7dc2
# Step 2: Create a build script
Name the script as build.sh
inside the ~/einsteinium
dir for easy compiling and add the contents below to the script. The script will also create symlinks for the binaries at /usr/local/bin/
and for that, you will be asked to provide the sudo
berkeleydb () {
mkdir -p $EMC2_PREFIX
wget -N 'http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz'
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cat <<-EOL >atomic-builtin-test.cpp
#include <stdint.h>
#include "atomic.h"
int main() {
db_atomic_t *p; atomic_value_t oldval; atomic_value_t newval;
__atomic_compare_exchange(p, oldval, newval);
return 0;
if g++ atomic-builtin-test.cpp -I./db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc -DHAVE_ATOMIC_SUPPORT -DHAVE_ATOMIC_X86_GCC_ASSEMBLY -o atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null; then
echo "No changes to bdb source are needed ..."
rm atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null
echo "Updating atomic.h file ..."
sed -i 's/__atomic_compare_exchange/__atomic_compare_exchange_db/g' db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc/atomic.h
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$EMC2_PREFIX
make install
buildEMC2 () {
git pull
make clean
./configure LDFLAGS="-L${EMC2_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${EMC2_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared
make -j$(nproc)
cd ~/einsteinium
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/einsteinium/src/einsteinium-cli /usr/local/bin/einsteinium-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/einsteinium/src/einsteiniumd /usr/local/bin/einsteiniumd
# Step 3: Make the script executable and run it
chmod +x build.sh
# Step 4: Create EMC2 data dir, einsteinium.conf
file and restrict access to it
cd ~
mkdir .einsteinium
nano ~/.einsteinium/einsteinium.conf
Insert the following contents inside the einsteinium.conf
file and save it. (change the rpcuser
and rpcpassword
Restrict access to the einsteinium.conf
chmod 600 ~/.einsteinium/einsteinium.conf
# GleecBTC (GLEEC)
# Step 1: Clone GleecBTC source
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/GleecBTC-FullNode-Win-Mac-Linux
cd ~/GleecBTC-FullNode-Win-Mac-Linux
git checkout b4ffcc9
# Step 2: Create a build Script
- Create a file named
in the~/GleecBTC-FullNode-Win-Mac-Linux
directory and copy the contents of the following code block into it
# GleecBTC build script for Ubuntu & Debian 9 v.3 (c) Decker (and webworker)
berkeleydb () {
mkdir -p $GleecBTC_PREFIX
wget -N 'http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz'
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cat <<-EOL >atomic-builtin-test.cpp
#include <stdint.h>
#include "atomic.h"
int main() {
db_atomic_t *p; atomic_value_t oldval; atomic_value_t newval;
__atomic_compare_exchange(p, oldval, newval);
return 0;
if g++ atomic-builtin-test.cpp -I./db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc -DHAVE_ATOMIC_SUPPORT -DHAVE_ATOMIC_X86_GCC_ASSEMBLY -o atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null; then
echo "No changes to bdb source are needed ..."
rm atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null
echo "Updating atomic.h file ..."
sed -i 's/__atomic_compare_exchange/__atomic_compare_exchange_db/g' db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc/atomic.h
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$GleecBTC_PREFIX
make install
cd $GleecBTC_ROOT
buildGleecBTC () {
git pull
./configure LDFLAGS="-L${GleecBTC_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${GleecBTC_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared --with-incompatible-bdb
make -j$(nproc)
echo "Done building GleecBTC!"
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/GleecBTC-FullNode-Win-Mac-Linux/src/gleecbtc-cli /usr/local/bin/gleecbtc-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/GleecBTC-FullNode-Win-Mac-Linux/src/gleecbtcd /usr/local/bin/gleecbtcd
# Step 3: Make the script executable and run it
chmod +x build.sh
- Supply your
password when asked, so that the daemon and cli can be symlinked to your/usr/local/bin
# Step 4: Create GleecBTC data dir, gleecbtc.conf file and restrict access to it
cd ~
mkdir .gleecbtc
nano ~/.gleecbtc/gleecbtc.conf
Insert the following contents inside the gleecbtc.conf file and save it. (change the rpcuser and rpcpassword values)
Restrict access to the gleecbtc.conf file
chmod 600 ~/.gleecbtc/gleecbtc.conf
GleecBTC's rpc calls are similar to BTC's after version v0.18
. So familiar commands like getinfo
don't work, and validateaddress
doesn't output ismine
info. To check if your address was imported, use getaddressinfo
and check the ismine
key in the response.
# MarmaraChain (MCL)
# Step 1: Clone MCL source and compile
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/marmarachain/Marmara-v.1.0 -b master
cd Marmara-v.1.0
git checkout 03dd780
./zcutil/build.sh -j$(nproc)
# VerusCoin (VRSC)
# Step 1: Clone VRSC source and compile
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/VerusCoin/VerusCoin -b master
cd VerusCoin
git checkout ab82cc9
./zcutil/build.sh -j$(nproc)
Symlink the compiled binary
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/VerusCoin/src/verusd /usr/local/bin/verusd
# Powerblockcoin (PBC)
# Step 1: Clone powerblockcoin-core source
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/pbcllc/powerblockcoin-core
cd ~/powerblockcoin-core
git checkout 51f456a
# Build
- Create a file named
in the~/powerblockcoin-core
directory and copy the contents of the following code block into it
# Powerblockcoin build script for Ubuntu & Debian 9 v.3 (c) Decker (and webworker)
berkeleydb () {
mkdir -p $Powerblockcoin_PREFIX
wget -N 'http://download.oracle.com/berkeley-db/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz'
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cat <<-EOL >atomic-builtin-test.cpp
#include <stdint.h>
#include "atomic.h"
int main() {
db_atomic_t *p; atomic_value_t oldval; atomic_value_t newval;
__atomic_compare_exchange(p, oldval, newval);
return 0;
if g++ atomic-builtin-test.cpp -I./db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc -DHAVE_ATOMIC_SUPPORT -DHAVE_ATOMIC_X86_GCC_ASSEMBLY -o atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null; then
echo "No changes to bdb source are needed ..."
rm atomic-builtin-test 2>/dev/null
echo "Updating atomic.h file ..."
sed -i 's/__atomic_compare_exchange/__atomic_compare_exchange_db/g' db-4.8.30.NC/dbinc/atomic.h
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$Powerblockcoin_PREFIX
make install
cd $Powerblockcoin_ROOT
buildPowerblockcoin () {
git pull
./configure LDFLAGS="-L${Powerblockcoin_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${Powerblockcoin_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared --with-incompatible-bdb
make -j$(nproc)
echo "Done building Powerblockcoin!"
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/powerblockcoin-core/src/powerblockcoin-cli /usr/local/bin/powerblockcoin-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/powerblockcoin-core/src/powerblockcoind /usr/local/bin/powerblockcoind
# Step 3: Make the script executable and run it
chmod +x build.sh
- Supply your
password when asked, so that the daemon and cli can be symlinked to your/usr/local/bin
# Step 4: Create Powerblockcoin data dir, powerblockcoin.conf file and restrict access to it
cd ~
mkdir .powerblockcoin
nano ~/.powerblockcoin/powerblockcoin.conf
Insert the following contents inside the powerblockcoin.conf file and save it. (change the rpcuser and rpcpassword values)
Restrict access to the powerblockcoin.conf file
chmod 600 ~/.powerblockcoin/powerblockcoin.conf
Powerblockcoin's address and wif format are the same as KMD. You can import your 3p KMD node's wif into the Powerblockcoin daemon directly.
Powerblockcoin's rpc calls are similar to BTC's after version v0.16
. So instead of getinfo
, use other rpc like getblockchaininfo
, getnetworkinfo
, getwalletinfo
, getmininginfo
for the appropriate fields.
# Start the daemons and sync all the chains
For the first time sync, we will run all the coin daemons normally. Make sure you have successfully compiled all the daemons from the above section. We will create a start
script later in this guide to start the chains with -pubkey
option for notarization.
# Start the coins
komodod &
chipsd &
einsteiniumd &
powerblockcoind &
aryacoind &
verusd &
~/Marmara-v.1.0/src/komodod -ac_name=MCL -ac_supply=2000000 -ac_cc=2 -addnode= -addnode= -addressindex=1 -spentindex=1 -ac_marmara=1 -ac_staked=75 -ac_reward=3000000000 &
gleecbtcd &
Now wait for all the chains to finish syncing. This might take about 8-10 hours depending on your machine and internet connection. You can check check sync progress by using tail -f
on the debug.log
file in the respective coin data directories.
Commands to tail debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/debug.log
tail -f ~/.chips/debug.log
# EMC2
tail -f ~/.einsteinium/debug.log
# Powerblockcoin
tail -f ~/.powerblockcoin/debug.log
tail -f ~/.aryacoin/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/MCL/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/VRSC/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/gleecbtc/debug.log
You can now wait for all the coins to finish syncing. Just double check the block you've downloaded with an explorer to verify.
# Import 3rd party private key
Feel free to import your addresses whilst your daemons are syncing.
- Follow the example below to import your 3rd party pubkey only into your coin daemons.
komodo-cli importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
powerblockcoin-cli importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
chips-cli importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
einsteinium-cli importprivkey T7trfubd9dBEWe3EnFYfj1r1pBueqqCaUUVKKEvLAfQvz3JFsNhs
aryacoin-cli importprivkey T6oxgc9ZYJA1Uvsm31Gb8Mg31hHgLWue7RuqQMjEHUWZEi5TdskL
komodo-cli -ac_name=MCL importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
komodo-cli -ac_name=VRSC importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
gleecbtc-cli importprivkey AhXsCzbmiZUyMCZyPqjYMhLxBxcFBP6tQSLrCpTpfYkvjJEMthcW
This may take some time and will display the coin name and address after each import. You can tail the coin specific debug.log
files to check the progress.
# Validate the addresses
After all the addresses are imported, using the respective <COIN>-cli
, validate all addresses and make sure the response has ismine:true
. If you have ismine:false
, your address hasn't imported correctly and dPoW will not work for that coin. Sample command for that is below.
komodo-cli validateaddress RVNKRr2uxPMxJeDwFnTKjdtiLtcs7UzCZn
# Copy the pubkey.txt
file that we created from the ~/dPoW/iguana
You will need to create a pubkey.txt
file inside ~/komodo/src/
. This file will be used to start all of your daemons with the -pubkey=
parameter in your start
script that will be made later in this guide.
cp ~/dPoW/iguana/pubkey.txt ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt
# Stop All the Coin Daemons Safely
Once your daemons have completed syncing, you've imported and validated all your keys, complete the following.
Never use kill -9
to kill any Coin daemon if you don't like corrupt databases. Always shutdown wallet daemon and iguana gracefully with pkill -15 iguana
or use the below RPC commands for wallets.
komodo-cli stop
powerblockcoin-cli stop
chips-cli stop
einsteinium-cli stop
aryacoin-cli stop
komodo-cli -ac_name=MCL stop
komodo-cli -ac_name=VRSC stop
gleecbtc-cli stop
# Set ulimit
parameters on Ubuntu permanently
By default, the number of open files per user in Ubuntu is 1024. In our case this number is too small so we will increase it.
This is done with the ulimit
$ulimit -a # see all the kernel parameters
$ulimit -n # see the number of open files
$ulimit -n 1000000 # set the number open files to 1000000
The problem with this way is that the ulimit
parameter is only set currently for this command terminal and user. This means that after a reboot you’ll need to set the parameter again. Do the following to set it permanently:
# Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf
sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf
add these lines:
* soft nofile 1000000
* hard nofile 1000000
Save and close file
# Edit the /etc/pam.d/common-session
sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-session
add this line:
session required pam_limits.so
Save and close the file.
We are done. Now let's stop all our wallet daemons safely with RPC commands and reboot the server using sudo reboot
or sudo shutdown -r
# Check the values now
ulimit -n
# Create a start
We need a start
script in the home dir to start Komodo, Smart Chains and all 3rd party coin daemons with the -pubkey
option. -pubkey
is not required for BTC daemon. All other coins need it.
Here is an example of a Main Server start script that will start Notary easy mining on Komodo as well:
source ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt
bitcoind &
sleep 60
cd komodo/src
./komodod -gen -genproclimit=1 -notary -pubkey=$pubkey -minrelaytxfee=0.000035 -opretmintxfee=0.004 &
sleep 600
Here is an example of a 3rd Party Server start script :
source ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt
chipsd -pubkey=$pubkey &
einsteiniumd -pubkey=$pubkey &
powerblockcoind -pubkey=$pubkey &
aryacoind -pubkey=$pubkey &
~/VerusCoin/src/verusd -pubkey=$pubkey &
~/Marmara-v.1.0/src/komodod -ac_name=MCL -pubkey=$pubkey -ac_supply=2000000 -ac_cc=2 -addnode= -addnode= -addressindex=1 -spentindex=1 -ac_marmara=1 -ac_staked=75 -ac_reward=3000000000 &
sleep 60
cd komodo/src
./komodod -notary -pubkey=$pubkey &
gleecbtcd -pubkey=$pubkey &
Make the file executable:
chmod +x start
# Execute the script
This may take upto 20-30 minutes maximum depending on your system spec.
cd ~
Make sure all daemons started properly before starting iguana in the next step.
# Start iguana
and dPoW process
Once all required daemons are running, we have funds on all coins(DM @kolo with your addresses if you need coins), we can go ahead and start iguana
# Main Server
cd ~/dPoW/iguana
You can use the m_notary
script if you wish, but this will issue a git pull
command to update the repo, remove old iguana, compile fresh and start the whole process. This can take about 10 minutes maximum to finish. You will see INIT with 64 notaries
once the process finishes.
# 3rd Party Server
cd ~/dPoW/iguana
# Firewall and Ports
Enable ufw
and close all routes except ssh
. Then allow p2p ports of all the coins in their respective servers. Allow iguana's p2p ports: 17773
in main server and 17774
in the 3p server.
# NN Scripts
There are many open sourced scripts for managing your Komodo Notary Node servers. If you're having trouble with something, you can have a look at these tools (opens new window), or ask the other NN's, who will show you the scripts they use to overcome issues. With that being said, if you find a way to make a job easier or find a way to better the ecosystem, please let the rest of the NN OPs know, we would love to hear it.