# Musig Module Tutorial
# Installation
MuSig is currently only available on MacOS and Linux operating systems.
Please check with the Komodo team on Discord (opens new window) for information regarding Windows functionality.
# Install Dependencies
Ensure that local repositories are up to date:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Install Dependencies:
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgtest-dev libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libdb++-dev ntp ntpdate software-properties-common curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev cmake clang libsodium-dev -y
# Build instructions
Build komodod
by executing the following series of commands. Each line should be executed separately:
git clone https://github.com/jl777/komodo
cd komodo
git checkout jl777
./zcutil/build.sh -j$(nproc)
Compile the appropriate library:
cd src/cc
cp sudokucc.so ../libcc.so
cd ../..
make -j$(nproc)
# Update
Update the komodod
daemon by executing the following series of commands. Each line should be executed separately:
cd komodo
git checkout jl777
git pull
cd src/cc
cd ../..
make -j$(nproc)
# Launch the Smart Chain
Change into the ~/komodo/src
cd ~/komodo/src
Launch the MuSig Smart Chain using the following launch parameters.
./komodod -ac_name=MUSIG -ac_supply=100000 -ac_reward=10000000 -pubkey=<yourpub> -ac_cclib=sudoku -ac_cc=2 -addnode= &
# Obtain a Pubkey
Without a pubkey, the MuSig Smart Chain will not function properly on the user's local machine. Follow these instruction for obtaining and setting a pubkey:
Once the Smart Chain is relaunched with the new pubkey included as a launch parameter, the MuSig Smart Chain is prepared for use.
# Acquire Funds for Testing
The reader should launch the Smart Chain with a pubkey whose private key is already imported to the wallet. If this is not the case, restart the Smart Chain with an appropriate pubkey, or use the importprivkey method to import the private key of the desired pubkey.
The MuSig Smart Chain has an available faucet. The faucet allows a user to obtain a nominal amount of funds for testing and orientation purposes.
Ensure that the terminal's working directory is in the ~/komodo/src
cd ~/komodo/src
Execute the faucetget
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG faucetget
This method returns a hex value in the terminal. Select the entire hex value and copy it to the clipboard. (Use CTRL + SHFT + C
to copy within the terminal)
Broadcast the hex value using the sendrawtransaction
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG sendrawtransaction <hex copied from the above response>
Wait for the transaction to be confirmed.
Once the broadcast transaction is confirmed, check the balance using the getbalance
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG getbalance
There should be a small amount of funds in the balance.
# Full Example
The aim of this example is to create a 20f2
MuSig pubkey, fund it, and spend from it.
To accomplish this, two nodes are necessary.
In this MuSig example we use the following pubkeys on our two nodes:
- Node1's daemon is launched using the pubkey:
- Node2's daemon is launched using the pubkey:
for the MuSig module is 18
For this example, we use the normal array formatting for cclib methods, as we are not creating a bash script.
Steps 1 through 5 and 11 through 12 need to be executed only on the first node.
# Step 1: combine
Use the combine method to create a combined_pk
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib combine 18 '["0225f1cbbda1a0c406bb8f6dc7a589d88b2f9e28cd4fdb3f59139f8aff1f5d270a","02d3431950c2f0f9654217b6ce3d44468d3a9ca7255741767fdeee7c5ec6b47567"]'
Copy the values of pkhash
and combined_pk
and save them in a secure location for later use.
# Step 2: send
Use the send method to send 1
coin to the combined_pk
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib send 18 '["03d31479e789014a96ba6dd60d50210045aa8292fe693f293d44615929f04cf57a",1]'
Copy the hex
value to your clipboard.
# Step 3: Broadcast the hex Value and Retrieve the sendtxid
Use the sendrawtransaction method to broadcast the raw hex value:
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG sendrawtransaction 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
The returned value is our sendtxid
. Copy this to a secure location for later use.
# Step 4: Obtain the change_script Value
Use the getrawtransaction method to decode the raw transaction.
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG getrawtransaction 09daa45cb6e17028f9568347291a993cbf29c152a527b53e9ac0925d4900c293 1
In the response there are a series of vout
values, each of which has an array of json objects. Search for the vout
value that has the "type":"pubkey"
key pair listed. In this object, retrieve the hex
value from the scriptPubkey
... (omitted for brevity) ...
"vout": [
... (omitted for brevity) ...
"value": 0.09980000,
"valueSat": 9980000,
"n": 1,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": "0225f1cbbda1a0c406bb8f6dc7a589d88b2f9e28cd4fdb3f59139f8aff1f5d270a OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "210225f1cbbda1a0c406bb8f6dc7a589d88b2f9e28cd4fdb3f59139f8aff1f5d270aac",
"reqSigs": 1,
"type": "pubkey",
"addresses": [
... (omitted for brevity) ...
... (omitted for brevity) ...
This hex
is our change_script
value. Save this to a secure location for later use.
# Step 5: calcmsg
Use the calcmsg
method to calculate the msg
value. The calcmsg
method needs the sendtxid
and change_script
values retrieved from previous commands.
cclib calcmsg 18 '["insert_sendtxid_here","insert_change_script_here"]'
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib calcmsg 18 '["09daa45cb6e17028f9568347291a993cbf29c152a527b53e9ac0925d4900c293","210225f1cbbda1a0c406bb8f6dc7a589d88b2f9e28cd4fdb3f59139f8aff1f5d270aac"]'
Copy the msg
value to a secure location for later use.
# Step 6: session
From this point forward, all steps should be executed on both nodes 1 and 2.
After each step performed on each node, copy the relevant data to the opposing node.
# Node 1
The following session
command requires an array of arguments. The arguments are as follows:
: the index of the signatory in the set. In this example our current node, Node 1, is0
: the number of pubkeys participating in the multi-signature transactioncombined_pk
: thecombined_pk
address, retrieved previouslypkhash
: thepkhash
value, retrieved previouslymsg
: themsg
to be signed, retrieved previously
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib session 18 '[0,2,"03d31479e789014a96ba6dd60d50210045aa8292fe693f293d44615929f04cf57a","8897e150bfb07d3f967ffadb4b0f3c84ea73a94c0d715c4b7e6d9c816c5113a9","3ef43614242afd3c57e02a75a3bc99342fea7c731f6190b791c0f99826789603"]'
Copy the value of commitment
both to a secure location and to Node 2.
# Node 2
Execute the same command as before, only change the ind
value from 0
to 1
to indicate Node 2.
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib session 18 '[1,2,"03d31479e789014a96ba6dd60d50210045aa8292fe693f293d44615929f04cf57a","8897e150bfb07d3f967ffadb4b0f3c84ea73a94c0d715c4b7e6d9c816c5113a9","3ef43614242afd3c57e02a75a3bc99342fea7c731f6190b791c0f99826789603"]'
Copy the commitment
value both to a secure location and to Node 1.
# Step 7: commit
# Node 1
The commit
method requires an array of arguments. The arguments are as follows:
: thepkhash
value, retrieved previouslyind
: the index of the opposite node. In our example, Node 2 is1
: thecommitment
value from the opposing node
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib commit 18 '["8897e150bfb07d3f967ffadb4b0f3c84ea73a94c0d715c4b7e6d9c816c5113a9",1,"2854473733147ebdbf2fb70b956c8086c9d7659ca0093627fe0371098f8bc003"]'
Copy the nonce
value both to a secure location and to Node 2.
# Node 2
Execute the same command as before, only change the value of ind
to 0
to indicate Node 1.
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib commit 18 '["8897e150bfb07d3f967ffadb4b0f3c84ea73a94c0d715c4b7e6d9c816c5113a9",0,"a886a3a3c57efec161f6f72554b66f837de89ffdabe0acc46ae4cd59aab8129e"]'
Copy the nonce
value both to a secure location and to Node 1.
# Step 8: nonce
# Node 1
The nonce
method requires an array of arguments. The arguments are as follows:
: thepkhash
value, retrieved previouslyind
: the index of the opposing node. In our example, the index of Node 2 is1
: thenonce
from the opposing node
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib nonce 18 '["8897e150bfb07d3f967ffadb4b0f3c84ea73a94c0d715c4b7e6d9c816c5113a9",1,"02402fe26abd7ed2cf22d872a6b22ced4309aac8ec273b9c89e0f8f5b77f1574db"]'
Copy the partialsig
value both to a secure location and to Node 2.
# Node 2
Execute the same command, only change the ind
value to 0
to indicate Node 1, and change the nonce
to the value retrieved from Node 1.
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib nonce 18 '["8897e150bfb07d3f967ffadb4b0f3c84ea73a94c0d715c4b7e6d9c816c5113a9",0,"0379f6f42cf4c2cb30d064a6cac22ab6ffb3d93388d49b07f0623ff9bc8d191f89"]'
Copy the partialsig
value both to a secure location and to Node 1.
# Step 9: partialsig
# Node 1
The partialsig
method requires an array of arguments. The arguments are as follows:
: thepkhash
value, retrieved previouslyind
: the index of the opposing node. In our example, the index of Node 2 is1
: thepartialsig
retrieved from the opposing node
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib partialsig 18 '["8897e150bfb07d3f967ffadb4b0f3c84ea73a94c0d715c4b7e6d9c816c5113a9",1,"9e964dfd402f973ea1e9407e19918b1c3897ff6544d60dcdb19cfb0e5bc4c0c1"]'
Copy the combinedsig
value both to a secure location and to Node 2.
# Node 2
Execute the same command, but change the ind
value to 0
to indicate Node 1, and change the partialsig
to the value retrieved from Node 1 previously.
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib partialsig 18 '["8897e150bfb07d3f967ffadb4b0f3c84ea73a94c0d715c4b7e6d9c816c5113a9",0,"dc913a9e7532c8edf2f822f482afdcf48c61919bf905fb77f6684a2d7e58d972"]'
Copy the combinedsig
value to a secure location.
If the values of combinedsig
produced by both nodes is the same, then you have followed the example without any errors to this point. Visually verify that this combinedsig
value matches with the combinedsig
value returned on Node 1.
# Step 10: verify
# Node 1
The verify
method requires an array of arguments. The arguments are as follows:
: themsg
value, retrieved previouslycombined_pk
: thecombined_pk
value, retrieved previouslycombinedsig
: thecombinedsig
value, retrieved previously
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib verify 18 '["3ef43614242afd3c57e02a75a3bc99342fea7c731f6190b791c0f99826789603","03d31479e789014a96ba6dd60d50210045aa8292fe693f293d44615929f04cf57a","4b3a9b2b162802bc6c2cca2d22e70ab1cf738a9d4f5692f4f881d0cce0319c137b27889bb562602c94e163729c4168120a4ab41a8e936909e832e6af09e758f2"]'
# Node 2
Execute the same command on Node 2.
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib verify 18 '["3ef43614242afd3c57e02a75a3bc99342fea7c731f6190b791c0f99826789603","03d31479e789014a96ba6dd60d50210045aa8292fe693f293d44615929f04cf57a","4b3a9b2b162802bc6c2cca2d22e70ab1cf738a9d4f5692f4f881d0cce0319c137b27889bb562602c94e163729c4168120a4ab41a8e936909e832e6af09e758f2"]'
The response from both nodes should display a "result": "success"
key pair. If this is not the case, you made an error in a previous step.
# Step 11: spend
Currently, each node will output different raw transaction values, as both nodes are attempting to spend funds to their own wallets. Of the two, the node that broadcasts its returned raw transaction value first will receive the coins. The other node does not need to create or broadcast a transaction value.
# Node 1
We are now prepared to execute the spend
The spend
method requires an array of arguments. The arguments are as follows:
: thesendtxid
, retrieved previouslychange_script
: thechange_script
value, retrieved previouslycombinedsig
: thecombinedsig
value, retrieved previously
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG cclib spend 18 '["09daa45cb6e17028f9568347291a993cbf29c152a527b53e9ac0925d4900c293","210225f1cbbda1a0c406bb8f6dc7a589d88b2f9e28cd4fdb3f59139f8aff1f5d270aac","4b3a9b2b162802bc6c2cca2d22e70ab1cf738a9d4f5692f4f881d0cce0319c137b27889bb562602c94e163729c4168120a4ab41a8e936909e832e6af09e758f2"]'
Copy the hex
value to a secure location.
# Node 2
In this example, our desire is to receive the transferred coins on Node 1, not on Node 2.
Therefore, it is not necessary to execute the spend
method again, nor is it necessary for Node 2 to execute the following step.
# Step 12: sendrawtransaction
# Node 1
Broadcast the hex
value using sendrawtransaction:
./komodo-cli -ac_name=MUSIG sendrawtransaction "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"
Once the broadcast transaction is mined and notarized, the MuSig transaction is complete.
You have now successfully executed a full cycle of the MuSig module.