# Note About Rational Number Type
MM2 now offers the num-rational crate (opens new window) feature. This is used to represent order volumes and prices.
Komodo highly recommends that the developer use the rational number type when calculating an order's price and volume. This avoids rounding and precision errors when calculating numbers, such as 1/3
, as these cannot be represented as a finite decimal.
The MM2 API typically will return both the rational number type as well as the decimal representation, but the decimal representation should be considered only a convenience feature for readability.
The number can be represented in the following two JSON formats:
- As a fraction object that contains a numerator and a denominator as numeric strings, as follows:
"numer": "10000",
"denom": "3000"
- As a unique format supplied by the
[1, [0, 1]],
[1, [1]]
In the above unique format, the first item [1,[0,1]]
is the numerator
and the second item [1,[1]]
is the denominator
The numerator
and denominator
are BigInteger numbers represented as a sign and a uint32 array (where numbers are 32-bit parts of big integer in little-endian order).
represents +0000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000
= 4294967296
represents -1000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000
= -4294967297
# batch requests
A batch request is a method for sending several unique requests to the network all at once.
The requests are sent as an array filled with request objects. Results are returned in the order of received requests.
Avoid sending requests that depend on each other. For example, do not send a coin activation and a balance request to that coin in the same batch.
Such requests result in non-deterministic behavior, as the AtomicDEX/MM2 software may or may not execute the requests in the desired order.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) | array of objects | request objects to be executed in parallel |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) | array of objects | the results, provided in the order of received requests; this may contain null elements |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "[
{\"method\":\"electrum\",\"coin\":\"RICK\",\"servers\":[{\"url\":\"electrum1.cipig.net:10017\"},{\"url\":\"electrum2.cipig.net:10017\"},{\"url\":\"electrum3.cipig.net:10017\"}],\"userpass\":\"invalid userpass\",\"mm2\":1}
# buy
buy base rel price volume (match_by order_type base_confs base_nota rel_confs rel_nota)
The buy
method issues a buy request and attempts to match an order from the orderbook based on the provided arguments.
- Buy and sell methods always create the
order first. Ataker
order must pay adexfee
during the swap as it is taking liquidity from the market. Thedexfee
is calculated as "the greater of either0.0001 TAKER COIN
the size of the desired order". If yourGoodTillCancelled
order is not matched in 30 seconds, the order is automatically converted to amaker
request and stays on the orderbook until the request is matched or cancelled. To always act as a maker, please use the setprice method. - To prevent a user from making trades in which the transaction fees may end up costing a significant portion of the value of the trade, we have set a lower limit(
) to the value of a trade. See the description of thevolume
argument for more info.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
base | string | the name of the coin the user desires to receive |
rel | string | the name of the coin the user desires to sell |
price | numeric string or rational | the price in rel the user is willing to pay per one unit of the base coin |
volume | numeric string or rational | the amount of coins the user is willing to receive of the base coin; the following values must be greater than or equal to 0.00777 :
match_by | object | the created order is matched using this condition. Important: This condition is not applied after a GoodTillCancelled order is converted to a maker request |
match_by.type | string | Any to match with any other order; Orders to select specific uuids; Pubkeys to select specific nodes; default is Any |
match_by.data | array of strings | uuids of orders to match for Orders type; pubkeys of nodes to match for Pubkeys type |
order_type | object | the type of the order |
order_type.type | string | there are two types from which to choose: GoodTillCancelled and FillOrKill . The GoodTillCancelled order is automatically converted to a maker order if the order is not matched in 30 seconds, and this maker order stays in the orderbook until explicitly cancelled. On the other hand, a FillOrKill order is cancelled if it is not matched within 30 seconds. The default type is GoodTillCancelled |
base_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for base coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set |
base_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for base coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set |
rel_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for rel coin atomic swap transaction; default to rel coin configuration if not set |
rel_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for rel coin atomic swap transaction; default to rel coin configuration if not set |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | object | the resulting order object |
result.action | string | the action of the request (Buy ) |
result.base | string | the base currency of request |
result.base_amount | string | the resulting amount of base currency that is received if the order matches (in decimal representation) |
result.base_amount_rat | rational | the resulting amount of base currency that is received if the order matches (in rational representation) |
result.rel | string | the rel currency of the request |
result.rel_amount | string | the maximum amount of rel coin that is spent in order to buy the base_amount (according to price , in decimal representation) |
result.rel_amount_rat | rational | the maximum amount of rel coin that is spent in order to buy the base_amount (according to price , in rational representation) |
result.method | string | this field is used for internal P2P interactions; the value is always equal to "request" |
result.dest_pub_key | string | reserved for future use. dest_pub_key allows the user to choose the P2P node that is eligible to match with the request. This value defaults to a "zero pubkey", which means anyone can be a match |
result.sender_pubkey | string | the public key of this node |
result.uuid | string | the request uuid |
result.match_by | object | the created order is matched using this condition |
result.match_by.type | string | Any to match with any other order; Orders to select specific uuids; Pubkeys to select specific nodes; Default is Any |
result.match_by.data | array of strings | uuids of orders to match for Orders type; pubkeys of nodes to match for Pubkeys type |
result.conf_settings.base_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for base coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.base_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for base coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.rel_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for rel coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.rel_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for rel coin atomic swap transaction |
# 📌 Examples
# Command (decimal representation)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"HELLO\",\"rel\":\"WORLD\",\"volume\":"\"1\"",\"price\":"\"1\""}"
# Command (rational representation in num-rational crate format)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"HELLO\",\"rel\":\"WORLD\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]]}"
# Command (rational representation as fraction object)
curl --url "" --data '{
# Command (with confirmations and notarization settings)
curl --url "" --data '{
"base_confs": 2,
"base_nota": true,
"rel_confs": 5,
"rel_nota": false
# Command (GoodTillCancelled type)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"order_type\":{\"type\":\"GoodTillCancelled\"}}"
# Command (FillOrKill type)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"order_type\":{\"type\":\"FillOrKill\"}}"
# Command (match by Any)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"match_by\":{\"type\":\"Any\"}}"
# Command (match by Pubkeys)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"match_by\":{\"type\":\"Pubkeys\",\"data\":[\"1ab7edc96abaefb358b52c583048eaaeb8ea42609d096d6cddfafa02fa510c6a\"]}}"
# Command (match by Orders)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"buy\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"match_by\":{\"type\":\"Orders\",\"data\":[\"d14452bb-e82d-44a0-86b0-10d4cdcb8b24\"]}}"
# cancel_all_orders
cancel_order cancel_by
The cancel_all_orders
cancels the active orders created by the MM2 node by specified condition.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
cancel_by | object | orders matching this condition are cancelled |
cancel_by.type | string | All to cancel all orders; Pair to cancel all orders for specific coin pairs; Coin to cancel all orders for a specific coin |
cancel_by.data | object | additional data the cancel condition; present with Pair and Coin types |
cancel_by.data.base | string | base coin of the pair; Pair type only |
cancel_by.data.rel | string | rel coin of the pair; Pair type only |
cancel_by.data.ticker | string | order is cancelled if it uses ticker as base or rel; Coin type only |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | object | |
result.cancelled | array of strings (uuids) | uuids of cancelled orders |
result.currently_matching | array of strings (uuids) | uuids of the orders being matched with other orders; these are not cancelled even if they fit cancel condition |
# 📌 Examples
# Command (All orders)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"cancel_all_orders\",\"cancel_by\":{\"type\":\"All\"}}"
# Command (Cancel by pair)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"cancel_all_orders\",\"cancel_by\":{\"type\":\"Pair\",\"data\":{\"base\":\"RICK\",\"rel\":\"MORTY\"}}}"
# Command (Cancel by coin)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"cancel_all_orders\",\"cancel_by\":{\"type\":\"Coin\",\"data\":{\"ticker\":\"RICK\"}}}"
# cancel_order
cancel_order uuid
The cancel_order
cancels the active order created by the MM2 node.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
uuid | string | the uuid of the order the user desires to cancel |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | string | indicates the status of operation |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"cancel_order\",\"uuid\":\"6a242691-6c05-474a-85c1-5b3f42278f41\"}"
# coins_needed_for_kick_start
If MM2 is stopped while making a swap/having the active order it will attempt to kick-start them on next launch and continue from the point where it's stopped. coins_needed_for_kick_start
returns the tickers of coins that should be activated ASAP after MM2 is started to continue the interrupted swaps. Consider calling this method on MM2 startup and activate the returned coins using enable
or electrum
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | array of strings | tickers of coins that should be activated to kick-start swaps and orders |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"coins_needed_for_kick_start\"}"
# convertaddress
convertaddress coin from to_address_format
The convertaddress
method converts an input address to a specified address format.
For example, this method can be used to convert a BCH address from legacy to cash address format and vice versa.
Or this can be used to convert an ETH address from single to mixed case checksum format.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin address context |
from | string | input address |
to_address_format | object | address format to which the input address should be converted |
to_address_format.format | string (enum) | address format to which the input address should be converted, possible values: mixedcase for ETH/ERC20 coins; cashaddress or standard for UTXO coins |
to_address_format.network | string (enum) | network prefix for cashaddress format. Possible values: bitcoincash for BCH mainnet; bchtest for BCH testnet; bchreg for BCH regtest |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result.address | string | the result of address conversion |
# disable_coin
disable_coin coin
The disable_coin
method deactivates the previously enabled coin. MM2 also cancels all active orders that use the selected coin. The method will return an error in the following cases:
- The coin is not enabled
- The coin is used by active swaps
- The coin is used by a currently matching order. In this case, other orders might still be cancelled
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the ticker of coin to disable |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result.coin | string | the ticker of deactivated coin |
result.cancelled_orders | array of strings | uuids of cancelled orders |
swaps | array of strings | uuids of active swaps that use the selected coin; present only in error cases |
orders.matching | array of strings | uuids of matching orders that use the selected coin; present only in error cases |
orders.cancelled | array of strings | uuids of orders that were successfully cancelled despite the error |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"disable_coin\",\"coin\":\"RICK\"}"
# electrum
electrum coin servers (mm2 tx_history=false)
This command must be executed at the initiation of each MM2 instance. Also, AtomicDEX software requires the mm2
parameter to be set for each coin
; the methods to activate the parameter vary. See below for further information.
Electrum mode is available for utxo-based coins and QRC20 tokens only; this includes Bitcoin and Bitcoin-based forks. Electrum mode is not available for ETH/ERC20.
The electrum
method enables a coin
by connecting the user's software instance to the coin
blockchain using electrum technology (e.g. lite mode). This allows the user to avoid syncing the entire blockchain to their local machine.
Each coin
can be enabled only once, and in either Electrum or Native mode. The DEX software does not allow a coin
to be active in both modes at once.
# Notes on the MM2 Parameter
For each coin
, Komodo software requires the user/developer to set the mm2
parameter. This can be achieved either in the coins for more details), or via the electrum and enable methods.
The value of the mm2
parameter informs the software as to whether the coin
is expected to function.
GUI software developers may refer to the coins
file in this link (opens new window) for the default coin json configuration.
Volunteers are welcome to test coins with AtomicDEX software at any time. After testing a coin, please create a pull request with the desired coin configuration and successful swap details using the guide linked below.
Guide to Submitting Coin Test Results (opens new window)
# Examples of the Parameter Settings
Set the value of the mm2
parameter in the coins file as follows:
"mm2" : 1
For terminal interface examples, see the examples section below.
# Using AtomicDEX Software on an Qtum Network
The following information can assist the user/developer in using QRC20 tokens with AtomicDEX software on the Qtum network:
- Swap smart contract on the Qtum mainnet: 0x2f754733acd6d753731c00fee32cb484551cc15d (opens new window)
- Swap smart contract on the Qtum testnet: 0xba8b71f3544b93e2f681f996da519a98ace0107a (opens new window)
To use AtomicDEX software on another Qtum-based network, deploy the Etomic swap contract code from the repository linked below. Use of this code requires a Qtum node setup.
Link to repository code for Ethereum-based networks (opens new window)
Smart contract deployment is similar to creating QRC20 tokens (opens new window).
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin you want to enable |
servers | array of objects | the list of Electrum servers to which you want to connect |
servers.url | string | server url |
servers.protocol | string | the transport protocol that MM2 will use to connect to the server. Possible values: TCP , SSL . Default value: TCP |
servers.disable_cert_verification | bool | when set to true, this disables server SSL/TLS certificate verification (e.g. to use self-signed certificate). Default value is false . Use at your own risk |
mm2 | number (required if not set in the coins file) | this property informs the AtomicDEX software as to whether the coin is expected to function; accepted values are either 0 or 1 |
tx_history | bool | whether the node should enable tx_history preloading as a background process; this must be set to true if you plan to use the my_tx_history API |
required_confirmations | number | the number of confirmations for which MM2 must wait for the selected coin to perform the atomic swap transactions |
requires_notarization | bool | whether the node should wait for a notarization of the selected coin that is performing the atomic swap transactions applicable only for coins using Komodo dPoW |
swap_contract_address | string (required for QRC20 only) | address of etomic swap smart contract |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
address | string | the address of the user's coin wallet, based on the user's passphrase |
balance | string (numeric) | the amount of coin the user holds in their wallet |
coin | string | the ticker of the enabled coin |
required_confirmations | number | the number of transaction confirmations for which MM2 must wait during the atomic swap process |
requires_notarization | bool | whether the node must wait for a notarization of the selected coin that is performing the atomic swap transactions; applicable only for coins using Komodo dPoW |
result | string | the result of the request; this value either indicates success , or an error, or another type of failure |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"electrum\",\"coin\":\"HELLOWORLD\",\"servers\":[{\"url\":\"localhost:20025\",\"protocol\":\"SSL\",\"disable_cert_verification\":true},{\"url\":\"localhost:10025\"}]}"
# Command (With mm2
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"electrum\",\"coin\":\"HELLOWORLD\",\"servers\":[{\"url\":\"localhost:20025\",\"protocol\":\"SSL\",\"disable_cert_verification\":true},{\"url\":\"localhost:10025\"}],\"mm2\":1}"
# Command (With required_confirmations
and requires_notarization
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"electrum\",\"coin\":\"HELLOWORLD\",\"servers\":[{\"url\":\"localhost:20025\",\"protocol\":\"SSL\",\"disable_cert_verification\":true},{\"url\":\"localhost:10025\"}],\"required_confirmations\":10,\"requires_notarization\":true}"
# Command (For QRC20 tokens)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"electrum\",\"coin\":\"QRC20-TOKEN\",\"servers\":[{\"url\":\"localhost:20025\",\"protocol\":\"SSL\",\"disable_cert_verification\":true},{\"url\":\"localhost:10025\"}],\"swap_contract_address\":\"0xba8b71f3544b93e2f681f996da519a98ace0107a\"}"
# enable
enable coin (urls swap_contract_address mm2 tx_history=false)
AtomicDEX software requires the mm2
parameter to be set for each coin
; the methods to activate the parameter vary. See below for further information.
The enable
method enables a coin by connecting the user's software instance to the coin
blockchain using the native
coin daemon.
Each coin
can be enabled only once, and in either Electrum or Native mode. The DEX software does not allow a coin
to be active in both modes at once.
For utxo-based coins the daemon of this blockchain must also be running on the user's machine for enable
to function.
The MM2 node's coin address needs to be imported manually into the coin daemon using the importaddress call.
Native mode for QRC20 tokens is in development yet.
ETH/ERC20 coins are also enabled by the enable
method, but a local installation of an ETH node is not required.
# Notes on the mm2 Parameter
Please refer to the mm2
explanatory section in the electrum
method for information about setting the mm2
parameter and testing new coins.
Link to mm2 explanatory section
For terminal interface examples using the mm2
parameter with the enable
method, see the examples section below.
# Using AtomicDEX Software on an ETH-Based Network
The following information can assist the user/developer in connecting AtomicDEX software to the Ethereum network:
- Swap smart contract on the ETH mainnet: 0x8500AFc0bc5214728082163326C2FF0C73f4a871 (opens new window)
- Main-net nodes maintained by the Komodo team: http://eth1.cipig.net:8555, http://eth2.cipig.net:8555, http://eth3.cipig.net:8555
- Swap smart contract on the Ropsten testnet: 0x7Bc1bBDD6A0a722fC9bffC49c921B685ECB84b94 (opens new window)
- Ropsten node maintained by the Komodo team: http://eth-ropsten.cipig.net:8645
To use AtomicDEX software on another Ethereum-based network, such as the Kovan testnet or ETC, deploy the Etomic swap contract code from the repository linked below. Use of this code requires either an ETH node setup or access to a public service such as Infura. (opens new window)
Link to repository code for Ethereum-based networks (opens new window)
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin the user desires to enable |
urls | array of strings (required for ETH/ERC20) | urls of Ethereum RPC nodes to which the user desires to connect |
swap_contract_address | string (required for ETH/ERC20) | address of etomic swap smart contract |
gas_station_url | string (optional for ETH/ERC20) | url of ETH gas station API (opens new window); MM2 uses eth_gasPrice RPC API (opens new window) by default; when this parameter is set, MM2 will request the current gas price from Station for new transactions, and this often results in lower fees |
mm2 | number (required if not set in the coins file) | this property informs the AtomicDEX software as to whether the coin is expected to function; accepted values are either 0 or 1 |
tx_history | bool | whether the node should enable tx_history preloading as a background process; this must be set to true if you plan to use the my_tx_history API |
required_confirmations | number | the number of confirmations for which MM2 must wait for the selected coin to perform the atomic swap transactions; applicable only for coins using Komodo dPoW |
requires_notarization | bool | whether the node should wait for a notarization of the selected coin that is performing the atomic swap transactions applicable only for coins using Komodo dPoW |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
address | string | the address of the user's coin wallet, based on the user's passphrase |
balance | string (numeric) | the amount of coin the user holds in their wallet |
coin | string | the ticker of enabled coin |
required_confirmations | number | MM2 will wait for the this number of coin's transaction confirmations during the swap |
requires_notarization | bool | whether the node must wait for a notarization of the selected coin that is performing the atomic swap transactions |
result | string | the result of the request; this value either indicates success , or an error or other type of failure |
# 📌 Examples
# Command (for Bitcoin-based blockchains)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"enable\",\"coin\":\"HELLOWORLD\"}"
# Command (With required_confirmations
and requires_notarization
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"enable\",\"coin\":\"HELLOWORLD\",\"required_confirmations\":10,\"requires_notarization\":true}"
# Command (for Ethereum and ERC20-based blockchains)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"enable\",\"coin\":\"ETH\",\"urls\":[\"http://eth-ropsten.cipig.net:8645\"],\"swap_contract_address\":\"0x7Bc1bBDD6A0a722fC9bffC49c921B685ECB84b94\"}"
# Command (for Ethereum and ERC20-based blockchains with gas_station_url)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"enable\",\"coin\":\"ETH\",\"urls\":[\"http://eth-ropsten.cipig.net:8645\"],\"swap_contract_address\":\"0x7Bc1bBDD6A0a722fC9bffC49c921B685ECB84b94\",\"gas_station_url\":\"https://ethgasstation.info/json/ethgasAPI.json\"}"
# Command (With mm2
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"enable\",\"coin\":\"HELLOWORLD\",\"mm2\":1}"
# get_enabled_coins
The get_enabled_coins
method returns data of coins that are currently enabled on the user's MM2 node.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | array of objects | tickers and addresses of enabled coins |
result.address | string | the user's address for this coin |
result.ticker | string | the ticker name of this coin |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"get_enabled_coins\"}"
# get_trade_fee
get_trade_fee coin
The get_trade_fee
method returns the approximate amount of the miner fee that is paid per swap transaction.
This amount should be multiplied by 2 and deducted from the volume on buy/sell
calls when the user is about to trade the entire balance of the selected coin.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin for the requested trade fee |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | object | an object containing the relevant information |
result.coin | string | the fee is paid from the user's balance of this coin. This coin name may differ from the requested coin. For example ERC20 fees are paid by ETH (gas) |
result.amount | string (numeric) | the approximate fee amount to be paid per swap transaction in decimal representation |
result.amount_rat | rational | the approximate fee amount to be paid per swap transaction in rational representation |
result.amount_fraction | fraction | the approximate fee amount to be paid per swap transaction in fraction representation |
# 📌 Examples
# Command (BTC)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"get_trade_fee\",\"coin\":\"BTC\"}"
# Command (ETH)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"get_trade_fee\",\"coin\":\"ETH\"}"
# Command (ERC20)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"get_trade_fee\",\"coin\":\"BAT\"}"
# help
The help
method returns the full API documentation in the terminal.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
(returns the full docs in terminal) |
# import_swaps
import_swaps swaps
The import_swaps
method imports to the local database the swaps
data that was exported from another MM2 instance.
Use this method in combination with my_swap_status
or my_recent_swaps
to copy the swap history between different devices.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
swaps | array of objects | swaps data; each record has the format of the my_swap_status response |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result.imported | array of strings | uuids of swaps that were successfully imported |
result.imported | map | uuids of swaps that failed to import; includes error message |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"import_swaps\",\"swaps\":[{"error_events":["StartFailed","NegotiateFailed","TakerFeeSendFailed","MakerPaymentValidateFailed","TakerPaymentTransactionFailed","TakerPaymentDataSendFailed","TakerPaymentWaitForSpendFailed","MakerPaymentSpendFailed","TakerPaymentRefunded","TakerPaymentRefundFailed"],"events":[{"event":{"data":{"lock_duration":7800,"maker":"631dcf1d4b1b693aa8c2751afc68e4794b1e5996566cfc701a663f8b7bbbe640","maker_amount":"3","maker_coin":"BEER","maker_coin_start_block":156186,"maker_payment_confirmations":0,"maker_payment_wait":1568883784,"my_persistent_pub":"02031d4256c4bc9f99ac88bf3dba21773132281f65f9bf23a59928bce08961e2f3","started_at":1568881184,"taker_amount":"4","taker_coin":"ETOMIC","taker_coin_start_block":175041,"taker_payment_confirmations":1,"taker_payment_lock":1568888984,"uuid":"07ce08bf-3db9-4dd8-a671-854affc1b7a3"},"type":"Started"},"timestamp":1568881185316},{"event":{"data":{"maker_payment_locktime":1568896784,"maker_pubkey":"02631dcf1d4b1b693aa8c2751afc68e4794b1e5996566cfc701a663f8b7bbbe640","secret_hash":"eba736c5cc9bb33dee15b4a9c855a7831a484d84"},"type":"Negotiated"},"timestamp":1568881246025},{"event":{"data":{"tx_hash":"0c07be4dda88d8d75374496aa0f27e12f55363ce8d558cb5feecc828545e5f87","tx_hex":"0400008085202f890146b98696761d5e8667ffd665b73e13a8400baab4b22230a7ede0e4708597ee9c000000006a473044022077acb70e5940dfe789faa77e72b34f098abbf0974ea94a0380db157e243965230220614ec4966db0a122b0e7c23aa0707459b3b4f8241bb630c635cf6e943e96362e012102031d4256c4bc9f99ac88bf3dba21773132281f65f9bf23a59928bce08961e2f3ffffffff02f0da0700000000001976a914ca1e04745e8ca0c60d8c5881531d51bec470743f88ac68630700000000001976a91405aab5342166f8594baf17a7d9bef5d56744332788ac5e3a835d000000000000000000000000000000"},"type":"TakerFeeSent"},"timestamp":1568881250689},{"event":{"data":{"tx_hash":"31d97b3359bdbdfbd241e7706c90691e4d7c0b7abd27f2b22121be7f71c5fd06","tx_hex":"0400008085202f8901b4679094d4bf74f52c9004107cb9641a658213d5e9950e42a8805824e801ffc7010000006b483045022100b2e49f8bdc5a4b6c404e10150872dbec89a46deb13a837d3251c0299fe1066ca022012cbe6663106f92aefce88238b25b53aadd3522df8290ced869c3cc23559cc23012102631dcf1d4b1b693aa8c2751afc68e4794b1e5996566cfc701a663f8b7bbbe640ffffffff0200a3e1110000000017a91476e1998b0cd18da5f128e5bb695c36fbe6d957e98764c987c9bf0000001976a91464ae8510aac9546d5e7704e31ce177451386455588ac753a835d000000000000000000000000000000"},"type":"MakerPaymentReceived"},"timestamp":1568881291571},{"event":{"type":"MakerPaymentWaitConfirmStarted"},"timestamp":1568881291571},{"event":{"type":"MakerPaymentValidatedAndConfirmed"},"timestamp":1568881291985},{"event":{"data":{"tx_hash":"95926ab204049edeadb370c17a1168d9d79ee5747d8d832f73cfddf1c74f3961","tx_hex":"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"},"type":"TakerPaymentSent"},"timestamp":1568881296904},{"event":{"data":{"secret":"fb968d5460399f20ffd09906dc8f65c21fbb5cb8077a8e6d7126d0526586ca96","transaction":{"tx_hash":"68f5ec617bd9a4a24d7af0ce9762d87f7baadc13a66739fd4a2575630ecc1827","tx_hex":"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"}},"type":"TakerPaymentSpent"},"timestamp":1568881328643},{"event":{"data":{"error":"taker_swap:798] utxo:950] utxo:950] error"},"type":"MakerPaymentSpendFailed"},"timestamp":1568881328645},{"event":{"type":"Finished"},"timestamp":1568881328648}],"my_info":{"my_amount":"4","my_coin":"ETOMIC","other_amount":"3","other_coin":"BEER","started_at":1568881184},"recoverable":true,"success_events":["Started","Negotiated","TakerFeeSent","MakerPaymentReceived","MakerPaymentWaitConfirmStarted","MakerPaymentValidatedAndConfirmed","TakerPaymentSent","TakerPaymentSpent","MakerPaymentSpent","Finished"],"type":"Taker","uuid":"07ce08bf-3db9-4dd8-a671-854affc1b7a3"}]}"
# kmd_rewards_info
The kmd_rewards_info
method returns information about the active user rewards that can be claimed by an address's unspent outputs.
This method only works when the KMD coin is activated.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | array of objects | the rewards info; each element corresponds to an unspent output and contains detailed information about the active user rewards corresponding to it |
result.tx_hash | string | the hash of the transaction |
result.height | number (integer, optional) | the height of the block in which the transaction was included (empty if the tx is not mined yet) |
result.output_index | number (integer) | the zero-based index of the output in the transaction’s list of outputs |
result.amount | string (numeric) | the transaction output’s value |
result.locktime | number (integer) | the transaction output's locktime |
result.accrued_rewards | object | the amount of accrued rewards if they exist or the reason for their non existence |
result.accrue_start_at | number (integer, optional) | the rewards start to accrue at this time for the given transaction (empty if the rewards will never accrue to it) |
result.accrue_stop_at | number (integer, optional) | the rewards stop to accrue at this time for the given transaction (empty if the tx is not mined yet or if rewards will never accrue to it) |
Where the result.accrued_rewards
has either
Structure | Type | Description |
Accrued | string (numeric) | the amount of accrued rewards |
Structure | Type | Description |
NotAccruedReason | string | the reason why rewards are not accrued |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{"userpass":"$userpass","method":"kmd_rewards_info"}"
# list_banned_pubkeys
The list_banned_pubkeys
method returns a list of public keys of nodes that are banned from interacting with the node executing the method.
Banned nodes cannot complete orders and order matching requests with the node executing the method.
Some cases of swap failures give cause for banning a node. For example, a market taker may not follow the atomic-swap protocol by not sending the dex fee. The list_banned_pubkeys method is useful in these circumstances.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | map of objects (key - pubkey in hexadecimal representation) | the list of pubkeys banned by current node |
result.*.caused_by_swap | string | the uuid of the swap that triggered the ban |
result.*.caused_by_event | object | the swap event that triggered the ban |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"list_banned_pubkeys\"}"
# max_taker_vol
max_taker_vol coin
The max_taker_vol
method returns the maximum available volume for buy/sell methods for selected coin
This takes the dex fee and blockchain miner fees into account. The result should be used as is for sell
method or divided by price for buy
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin to retrieve the max available taker volume |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | fraction | the max available taker volume in fraction representation |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"max_taker_vol\",\"coin\":\"RICK\",\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"mm2\":1}"
# my_balance
my_balance coin
The my_balance
method returns the current balance of the specified coin
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin to retrieve the balance |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
address | string | the address that holds the coins |
balance | string (numeric) | the number of coins in the address |
coin | string | the name of the coin |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"my_balance\",\"coin\":\"HELLOWORLD\"}"
# my_orders
The my_orders
method returns the data of all active orders created by the MM2 node.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
maker_orders | map of objects | orders that are currently active in market-maker mode |
taker_orders | map of objects | orders that are currently active in market-taker mode |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"my_orders\"}"
# my_recent_swaps
(from_uuid limit=10)
The my_recent_swaps
method returns the data of the most recent atomic swaps executed by the MM2 node.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
limit | number | limits the number of returned swaps |
from_uuid | string | MM2 will skip records until this uuid, skipping the from_uuid as well |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
swaps | array of objects | swaps data; each record has the format of the my_swap_status response |
from_uuid | string | the from_uuid that was set in the request; this value is null if nothing was set |
skipped | number | the number of skipped records (i.e. the position of from_uuid in the list + 1; the value is 0 if from_uuid was not set |
limit | number | the limit that was set in the request; note that the actual number of swaps can differ from the specified limit (e.g. on the last page) |
total | number | total number of swaps available |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"my_recent_swaps\",\"from_uuid\":\"e299c6ece7a7ddc42444eda64d46b163eaa992da65ce6de24eb812d715184e4c\",\"limit\":2}"
# my_swap_status
The my_swap_status
method returns the data of an atomic swap executed on a MM2 node.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
params uuid | string | the uuid of swap, typically received from the buy/sell call |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
events | array of objects | the events that occurred during the swap |
events.type | string | an event type; the list of event types with their data structure is available below |
events.data | object | additional data of the event; the list of events with their data structure is available below |
success_events | array of strings | a list of events that gained a success swap state; the contents are listed in the order in which they should occur in the events array |
error_events | array of strings | a list of events that fell into an error swap state; if at least 1 of the events happens, the swap is considered a failure |
type | string | whether the node acted as a market Maker or Taker |
uuid | string | swap uuid |
gui | string (optional) | information about gui; copied from MM2 configuration |
mm_version | string (optional) | MM2 version |
maker_coin | string (optional) | ticker of maker coin |
taker_coin | string (optional) | ticker of taker coin |
maker_amount | string (numeric, optional) | the amount of coins to be swapped by maker |
taker_amount | string (numeric, optional) | the amount of coins to be swapped by taker |
my_info | object (optional) | this object maps event data to make displaying swap data in a GUI simpler (my_coin , my_amount , etc.) |
recoverable | bool | whether the swap can be recovered using the recover_funds_of_swap API command. Important note: MM2 does not record the state regarding whether the swap was recovered or not. MM2 allows as many calls to the recover_funds_of_swap method as necessary, in case of errors |
# Maker Swap Events
# Taker Swap Events
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"my_swap_status\",\"params\":{\"uuid\":\"d14452bb-e82d-44a0-86b0-10d4cdcb8b24\"},\"userpass\":\"$userpass\"}"
# my_tx_history
(from_id limit=10 max=false)
The my_tx_history
method returns the blockchain transactions involving the MM2 node's coin address.
The coin that is used must have tx_history
set to true in its enable or electrum call.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin for the history request |
limit | number | limits the number of returned transactions; ignored if max = true |
max | bool | whether to return all available records; defaults to false |
from_id | string | MM2 will skip records until it reaches this ID, skipping the from_id as well; track the internal_id of the last displayed transaction to find the value of this field for the next page |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
transactions | array of objects | transactions data |
from_id | string | the from_id specified in the request; this value is null if from_id was not set |
skipped | number | the number of skipped records (i.e. the position of from_id in the list + 1); this value is 0 if from_id was not set |
limit | number | the limit that was set in the request; note that the actual number of transactions can differ from the specified limit (e.g. on the last page) |
total | number | the total number of transactions available |
current_block | number | the number of the latest block of coin blockchain |
sync_status | object | provides the information that helps to track the progress of transaction history preloading at background |
sync_status.state | string | current state of sync; possible values: NotEnabled , NotStarted , InProgress , Error , Finished |
sync_status.additional_info | object | additional info that helps to track the progress; present for InProgress and Error states only |
sync_status.additional_info.blocks_left | number | present for ETH/ERC20 coins only; displays the number of blocks left to be processed for InProgress state |
sync_status.additional_info.transactions_left | number | present for UTXO coins only; displays the number of transactions left to be processed for InProgress state |
sync_status.additional_info.code | number | displays the error code for Error state |
sync_status.additional_info.message | number | displays the error message for Error state |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"my_tx_history\",\"coin\":\"RICK\",\"limit\":1,\"from_id\":\"1d5c1b67f8ebd3fc480e25a1d60791bece278f5d1245c5f9474c91a142fee8e1\"}"
# Command (max = true)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"my_tx_history\",\"coin\":\"RICK\",\"max\":true,\"from_id\":\"1d5c1b67f8ebd3fc480e25a1d60791bece278f5d1245c5f9474c91a142fee8e1\"}"
# order_status
order_status uuid
The order_status
method returns the data of the active order with the selected uuid
created by the MM2 node.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
uuid | string | uuid of order to display |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
type | string | type of the order ("Maker" or "Taker") |
order | object | order data |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"order_status\",\"uuid\":\"c3b3105c-e914-4ed7-9f1c-604783b054a1\"}"
# orderbook
orderbook base rel (duration=number)
The orderbook
method requests from the network the currently available orders for the specified trading pair.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
base | string | base currency of a pair |
rel | string | "related" currency, also can be called "quote currency" according to exchange terms |
duration | number | deprecated |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
bids | array | an array of objects containing outstanding bids |
numbids | number | the number of outstanding bids |
biddepth | number | deprecated |
asks | array | an array of objects containing outstanding asks |
coin | string | the name of the base coin; the user desires this |
address | string | the address offering the trade |
price | string (decimal) | the price in rel the user is willing to pay per one unit of the base coin |
price_rat | rational | the price in num-rational crate format |
price_fraction | object (rational) | the price represented as an object |
maxvolume | string (decimal) | the maximum amount of base coin the offer provider is willing to sell |
max_volume_rat | rational | the max volume in num-rational crate format |
max_volume_fraction | object (rational) | the max volume represented as an object |
pubkey | string | the pubkey of the offer provider |
age | number | the age of the offer (in seconds) |
zcredits | number | the zeroconf deposit amount |
numasks | number | the total number of asks |
askdepth | number | the depth of the ask requests |
base | string | the name of the coin the user desires to receive |
rel | string | the name of the coin the user will trade |
timestamp | number | the timestamp of the orderbook request |
netid | number | the id of the network on which the request is made (default is 0 ) |
uuid | string | the uuid of order |
is_mine | bool | whether the order is placed by me |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"orderbook\",\"base\":\"HELLO\",\"rel\":\"WORLD\"}"
# recover_funds_of_swap
recover_funds_of_swap uuid
In certain cases, a swap can finish with an error wherein the user's funds are stuck on the swap-payment address. (This address is the P2SH address when executing on a utxo-based blockchain, or an etomic-swap smart contract when executing on an ETH/ERC20 blockchain.)
This error can occur when one side of the trade does not follow the protocol (for any reason). The error persists as attempts to refund the payment fail due to network connection issues between the MM2 node and the coin's RPC server.
In this scenario, the recover_funds_of_swap
method instructs the MM2 software to attempt to reclaim the user funds from the swap-payment address, if possible.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
params.uuid | string | uuid of the swap to recover the funds |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result.action | string | the action executed to unlock the funds. Can be either SpentOtherPayment or RefundedMyPayment |
result.coin | string | the balance of this coin will be unstuck by the recovering transaction |
result.tx_hash | string | the hash of the recovering transaction |
result.tx_hex | string | raw bytes of the recovering transaction in hexadecimal representation |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"recover_funds_of_swap\",\"params\":{\"uuid\":\"6343b2b1-c896-47d4-b0f2-a11798f654ed\"}}"
# sell
sell base rel price volume (match_by order_type base_confs base_nota rel_confs rel_nota)
The sell
method issues a sell request and attempts to match an order from the orderbook based on the provided arguments.
- Buy and sell methods always create the
order first. Ataker
order must pay adexfee
during the swap as it is taking liquidity from the market. Thedexfee
is calculated as "the greater of either0.0001 TAKER COIN
the size of the desired order". If yourGoodTillCancelled
order is not matched in 30 seconds, the order is automatically converted to amaker
request and stays on the orderbook until the request is matched or cancelled. To always act as a maker, please use the setprice method. - To prevent a user from making trades in which the transaction fees may end up costing a significant portion of the value of the trade, we have set a lower limit(
) to the value of a trade. See the description of thevolume
argument for more info.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
base | string | the name of the coin the user desires to sell |
rel | string | the name of the coin the user desires to receive |
price | numeric string or rational | the price in rel the user is willing to receive per one unit of the base coin |
volume | numeric string or rational | the amount of coins the user is willing to sell of the base coin; the following values must be greater than or equal to 0.00777 :
match_by | object | the created order is matched using this condition; important: this condition is not applied after GoodTillCancelled order conversion to maker request |
match_by.type | string | Any to match with any other order; Orders to select specific uuids; Pubkeys to select specific nodes; Default is Any |
match_by.data | array of strings | uuids of orders to match for Orders type; pubkeys of nodes to match for Pubkeys type |
order_type | object | the type of the order |
order_type.type | string | there are two types from which to choose: GoodTillCancelled and FillOrKill . The GoodTillCancelled order is automatically converted to a maker order if the order is not matched in 30 seconds, and this maker order stays in the orderbook until explicitly cancelled. On the other hand, a FillOrKill order is cancelled if it is not matched within 30 seconds. The default type is GoodTillCancelled |
base_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for base coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set |
base_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for base coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set |
rel_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for rel coin atomic swap transaction; default to rel coin configuration if not set |
rel_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for rel coin atomic swap transaction; default to rel coin configuration if not set |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | object | the resulting order object |
result.action | string | the action of the request (Sell ) |
result.base | string | the base currency of the request |
result.base_amount | string | the resulting amount of base currency that is sold if the order matches (in decimal representation) |
result.base_amount_rat | rational | the resulting amount of base currency that is sold if the order matches (in rational representation) |
result.rel | string | the rel currency of the request |
result.rel_amount | string | the minimum amount of rel coin that must be received in order to sell the base_amount of base (according to price , in decimal representation) |
result.rel_amount_rat | rational | the minimum amount of rel coin that must be received in order to sell the base_amount of base (according to price , in rational representation) |
result.method | string | this field is used for internal P2P interactions; the value is always equal to "request" |
result.dest_pub_key | string | reserved for future use. The dest_pub_key allows the user to choose the P2P node that is eligible to match with the request. This value defaults to "zero pubkey", meaning that anyone can match |
result.sender_pubkey | string | the public key of our node |
result.uuid | string | the request uuid |
result.match_by | object | the created order is matched using this condition |
result.match_by.type | string | Any to match with any other order; Orders to select specific uuids; Pubkeys to select specific nodes; Default is Any |
result.match_by.data | array of strings | uuids of orders to match for Orders type; pubkeys of nodes to match for Pubkeys type |
result.conf_settings.base_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for base coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.base_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for base coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.rel_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for rel coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.rel_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for rel coin atomic swap transaction |
# 📌 Examples
# Command (decimal representation)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"sell\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":"\"1\"",\"price\":"\"1\""}"
# Command (rational representation in num-rational crate format)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"sell\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]]}"
# Command (rational representation as a fraction object)
curl --url "" --data '{
# Command (with confirmations and notarization settings)
curl --url "" --data '{
"base_confs": 2,
"base_nota": true,
"rel_confs": 5,
"rel_nota": false
# Command (GoodTillCancelled type)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"sell\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"order_type\":{\"type\":\"GoodTillCancelled\"}}"
# Command (FillOrKill type)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"sell\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"order_type\":{\"type\":\"FillOrKill\"}}"
# Command (match by Any)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"sell\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"match_by\":{\"type\":\"Any\"}}"
# Command (match by Pubkeys)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"sell\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"match_by\":{\"type\":\"Pubkeys\",\"data\":[\"1ab7edc96abaefb358b52c583048eaaeb8ea42609d096d6cddfafa02fa510c6a\"]}}"
# Command (match by Orders)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"sell\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"volume\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"price\":[[1,[1]],[1,[1]]],\"match_by\":{\"type\":\"Orders\",\"data\":[\"d14452bb-e82d-44a0-86b0-10d4cdcb8b24\"]}}"
# send_raw_transaction
send_raw_transaction coin tx_hex
The send_raw_transaction
method broadcasts the transaction to the network of selected coin.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin network on which to broadcast the transaction |
tx_hex | string | the transaction bytes in hexadecimal format; this is typically generated by the withdraw method |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
tx_hash | string | the hash of the broadcast transaction |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"send_raw_transaction\",\"coin\":\"KMD\",\"tx_hex\":\"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\",\"userpass\":\"$userpass\"}"
# setprice
setprice base rel price (volume max cancel_previous=true base_confs base_nota rel_confs rel_nota)
The setprice
method places an order on the orderbook, and it relies on this node acting as a maker
, also called a Bob
The setprice
order is always considered a sell
, for internal implementation convenience.
To prevent a user from making trades in which the transaction fees may end up costing a significant portion of the value of the trade, we have set a lower limit( 0.00777
) to the value of a trade. See the description of the volume
argument for more info.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
base | string | the name of the coin the user desires to sell |
rel | string | the name of the coin the user desires to receive |
price | numeric string or rational | the price in rel the user is willing to receive per one unit of the base coin |
volume | numeric string or rational | the maximum amount of base coin available for the order, ignored if max is true ; the following values must be greater than or equal to 0.00777 :
max | bool | MM2 will use the entire coin balance for the order, taking 0.001 coins into reserve to account for fees |
cancel_previous | bool | MM2 will cancel all existing orders for the selected pair by default; set this value to false to prevent this behavior |
base_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for base coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set |
base_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for base coin atomic swap transaction; default to base coin configuration if not set |
rel_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for rel coin atomic swap transaction; default to rel coin configuration if not set |
rel_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for rel coin atomic swap transaction; default to rel coin configuration if not set |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | object | the resulting order object |
result.base | string | the base coin of the order |
result.rel | string | the rel coin of the order |
result.price | string (numeric) | the expected amount of rel coin to be received per 1 unit of base coin; decimal representation |
result.price_rat | rational | the expected amount of rel coin to be received per 1 unit of base coin; rational representation |
result.max_base_vol | string (numeric) | the maximum volume of base coin available to trade; decimal representation |
result.max_base_vol_rat | rational | the maximum volume of base coin available to trade; rational representation |
result.min_base_vol | string (numeric) | MM2 won't match with other orders that attempt to trade less than min_base_vol ; decimal representation |
result.min_base_vol_rat | rational | MM2 won't match with other orders that attempt to trade less than min_base_vol ; rational representation |
result.created_at | number | unix timestamp in milliseconds, indicating the order creation time |
result.matches | object | contains the map of ongoing matches with other orders, empty as the order was recently created |
result.started_swaps | array of strings | uuids of swaps that were initiated by the order |
result.uuid | string | uuid of the created order |
result.conf_settings.base_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for base coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.base_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for base coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.rel_confs | number | number of required blockchain confirmations for rel coin atomic swap transaction |
result.conf_settings.rel_nota | bool | whether dPoW notarization is required for rel coin atomic swap transaction |
# 📌 Examples
# Command (with volume)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"setprice\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"price\":\"0.9\",\"volume\":\"1\"}"
# Command (max = true)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"setprice\",\"base\":\"BASE\",\"rel\":\"REL\",\"price\":\"0.9\",\"max\":true}"
# Command (rational representation in num-rational crate format)
curl --url "" --data '{
# Command (rational representation as fraction object)
curl --url "" --data '{
# Command (with confirmations and notarization settings)
curl --url "" --data '{
"base_confs": 2,
"base_nota": true,
"rel_confs": 5,
"rel_nota": false
# set_required_confirmations
set_required_confirmations coin confirmations
The set_required_confirmations
method sets the number of confirmations for which MM2 must wait for the selected coin.
This setting is not persistent. The value must be reset in the coins file on restart.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the ticker of the selected coin |
confirmations | number | the number of confirmations to require |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result.coin | string | the coin selected in the request |
result.confirmations | number | the number of confirmations in the request |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"set_required_confirmations\",\"coin\":\"RICK\",\"confirmations\":3}"
# set_requires_notarization
set_requires_notarization coin requires_notarization
The set_requires_notarization
method indicates whether MM2 must wait for a dPoW notarization of the given atomic swap transactions.
This setting is not persistent. The value must be reset in the coins file on restart.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the ticker of the selected coin |
requires_notarization | bool | whether the node should wait for dPoW notarization of atomic swap transactions |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result.coin | string | the coin selected in the request |
result.requires_notarization | bool | whether the node must wait for a dPoW notarization of the atomic swap transactions |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"set_requires_notarization\",\"coin\":\"RICK\",\"requires_notarization\":true}"
# show_priv_key
show_priv_key coin
The show_priv_key
method returns the private key of the specified coin
in a format compatible with coin
The output can be used for the importprivkey
method (UTXO coins) or as a private key for MyEtherWallet (ETH/ERC20).
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin of the private key to show |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin |
priv_key | string | the private key of the coin |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"show_priv_key\",\"coin\":\"HELLOWORLD\"}"
# stop
The stop
method stops the MM2 software.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# unban_pubkeys
unban_pubkeys unban_by
The unban_pubkeys
method removes the selected pubkeys from the black list, allowing the node executing the method to receive orders and order matching requests from the unbanned nodes.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
unban_by | object | pubkeys matching this condition are removed from the black list |
unban_by.type | string | All to unban all pubkeys; Few to unban several selected pubkeys |
cancel_by.data | array of strings (hexadecimal) | pubkeys that should be removed from the black list; must be present with Few type |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | object | |
result.still_banned | map of objects | the pubkeys that remain banned |
result.unbanned | map of objects | data of unbanned pubkeys |
result.were_not_banned | array of strings | the pubkeys that were not black listed before the unban_pubkeys call |
# 📌 Examples
# Command (All pubkeys)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"unban_pubkeys\",\"unban_by\":{\"type\":\"All\"}}"
# Command (Unban selected pubkeys)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"unban_pubkeys\",\"unban_by\":{\"type\":\"Few\",\"data\":[\"15d9c51c657ab1be4ae9d3ab6e76a619d3bccfe830d5363fa168424c0d044732\",\"16d9c51c657ab1be4ae9d3ab6e76a619d3bccfe830d5363fa168424c0d044732\"]}}"
# validateaddress
validateaddress coin address
The validateaddress
method checks if an input string is a valid address of the specified coin.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the coin to validate address for |
address | string | the input string to validate |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result.is_valid | bool | whether input string is a valid coin address |
result.reason | string (optional) | the reason why input string is not a valid address |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{"userpass":"$userpass","method":"validateaddress","coin":"RICK","address","RRnMcSeKiLrNdbp91qNVQwwXx5azD4S4CD"}"
# version
The version
method returns the MM2 version.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
result | string | the MM2 version |
# 📌 Examples
# Command
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"version\",\"userpass\":\"$userpass\"}"
# withdraw
withdraw coin to (amount max)
The withdraw
method generates, signs, and returns a transaction that transfers the amount
of coin
to the address indicated in the to
This method generates a raw transaction which should then be broadcast using send_raw_transaction.
# Arguments
Structure | Type | Description |
coin | string | the name of the coin the user desires to withdraw |
to | string | coins are withdrawn to this address |
amount | string (numeric) | the amount the user desires to withdraw, ignored when max=true |
max | bool | withdraw the maximum available amount |
fee.type | string | type of transaction fee; possible values: UtxoFixed , UtxoPerKbyte , EthGas |
fee.amount | string (numeric) | fee amount in coin units, used only when type is UtxoFixed (fixed amount not depending on tx size) or UtxoPerKbyte (amount per Kbyte) |
fee.gas_price | string (numeric) | used only when fee type is EthGas; sets the gas price in gwei units |
fee.gas | number (integer) | used only when fee type is EthGas; sets the gas limit for transaction |
# Response
Structure | Type | Description |
from | array of strings | coins are withdrawn from this address; the array contains a single element, but transactions may be sent from several addresses (UTXO coins) |
to | array of strings | coins are withdrawn to this address; this may contain the my_address address, where change from UTXO coins is sent |
my_balance_change | string (numeric) | the expected balance of change in my_address after the transaction broadcasts |
received_by_me | string (numeric) | the amount of coins received by my_address after the transaction broadcasts; the value may be above zero when the transaction requires that MM2 send change to my_address |
spent_by_me | string (numeric) | the amount of coins spent by my_address ; this value differ from the request amount, as the transaction fee is added here |
total_amount | string (numeric) | the total amount of coins transferred |
fee_details | object | the fee details of the generated transaction; this value differs for utxo and ETH/ERC20 coins, check the examples for more details |
tx_hash | string | the hash of the generated transaction |
tx_hex | string | transaction bytes in hexadecimal format; use this value as input for the send_raw_transaction method |
# 📌 Examples
# Command (BTC, KMD, and other BTC-based forks)
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"withdraw\",\"coin\":\"KMD\",\"to\":\"RJTYiYeJ8eVvJ53n2YbrVmxWNNMVZjDGLh\",\"amount\":\"10\",\"userpass\":\"$userpass\"}"
# Command (BTC, KMD, and other BTC-based forks, fixed fee)
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"withdraw\",\"coin\":\"RICK\",\"to\":\"R9o9xTocqr6CeEDGDH6mEYpwLoMz6jNjMW\",\"amount\":\"1.0\",\"fee\":{\"type\":\"UtxoFixed\",\"amount\":\"0.1\"}}"
# Command (BTC, KMD, and other BTC-based forks, 1 RICK per Kbyte)
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"withdraw\",\"coin\":\"RICK\",\"to\":\"R9o9xTocqr6CeEDGDH6mEYpwLoMz6jNjMW\",\"amount\":\"1.0\",\"fee\":{\"type\":\"UtxoPerKbyte\",\"amount\":\"1\"}}"
# Command (ETH, ERC20, and other ETH-based forks)
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"withdraw\",\"coin\":\"ETH\",\"to\":\"0xbab36286672fbdc7b250804bf6d14be0df69fa28\",\"amount\":10,\"userpass\":\"$userpass\"}"
# Command (ETH, ERC20, and other ETH-based forks, with gas fee)
curl --url "" --data "{\"userpass\":\"$userpass\",\"method\":\"withdraw\",\"coin\":\"$1\",\"to\":\"$2\",\"amount\":\"$3\",\"fee\":{\"type\":\"EthGas\",\"gas_price\":\"3.5\",\"gas\":55000}}"
# Command (max = true)
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"withdraw\",\"coin\":\"ETH\",\"to\":\"0xbab36286672fbdc7b250804bf6d14be0df69fa28\",\"max\":true,\"userpass\":\"$userpass\"}"