# Common Runtime Parameters

# Introduction

The following is an abbreviated list of runtime parameters and settings that can be initiated in a Smart Chain's .conf file.

These commands largely derive from the upstream Bitcoin software, bitcoind.

Komodo is a fork of Zcash, and Zcash is a privacy-centric fork of Bitcoin. Therefore, essentially all runtime parameters and API commands available in both Bitcoin and Zcash are available in Komodo.

To see additional Bitcoin-based runtime parameters not included here, please visit the relevant Bitcoin wiki page (opens new window).

# addnode

addnode tells the daemon which nodes are trusted to act as seed nodes. After connecting to a node via addnode, the trusted node will send your node the list of all nodes that it is connected to, and your node will then connect to these additional nodes until the max limit is reached.

This contrasts from the connect runtime parameter, as the latter does not attempt to connect your node to additional nodes.

If you are behind a firewall or are having issues connecting to the network, addnode is a stronger option.

On the other hand, if you want to connect only to designated and trusted nodes, connect is a stronger option.

If you run multiple nodes that are connected via a LAN, it is not necessary for each node to open multiple connections. Instead, use connect to connect all to one primary node, and then use addnode on the primary node to connect to the network.

The p2p port must not be blocked by a firewall. If the computers do not have public IP addresses, you will need to port-forward the p2p port on both computers and append the forwarded port to the IP.

# 📌 Examples:

./komodod -ac_name=EXAMPLECHAIN -ac_supply=1000000 -addnode=<IP of the second node>:8096

Using addnode as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# addressindex

addressindex instructs a Smart Chain to maintain an index of all addresses and balances.

We recommend that the user manually delete the blockchain data before initiating this parameter.

addressindex is enabled by default on any Smart Chain that utilizes Antara.


The reindex parameter is not a viable alternative method for re-syncing the Smart Chain in this circumstance.

# 📌 Examples:

Using addressindex as a runtime parameter:

komodod -addressindex=1

Using addressindex as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# bantime

bantime sets the default number of seconds for a ban initiated during the daemon's session. The default is 86400.

# 📌 Examples:

Using bantime as a runtime parameter:

komodod -bantime=100000

Using bantime as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# bind

bind instructs the Smart Chain daemon to bind to a given address and always listen on it.

Use [host]:port notation for IPv6.

# 📌 Examples:

Using bind as a runtime parameter:

komodod -bind=

Using bind as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# connect

connect connects the komodod server to a trusted peer node, but not to request or add any additional nodes.

Please refer to the addnode parameter entry for more information.

# 📌 Examples:

Using connect as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# conf

conf allows the user to indicate an alternative configuration file for the Smart Chain daemon. The conf runtime parameter requires an absolute path. For example, /home/user/mydirectory/MYCOIN/MYCOIN.conf. Once the conf parameter is activated, the default configuration file is otherwise ignored.

# 📌 Examples:

Using conf as a runtime parameter:

komodod -conf=/home/username/coinConfs/DEX.conf

# datadir

datadir allows the user to indicate an alternative blockchain-data directory for the Smart Chain daemon. The datadir parameter requires an absolute path. For example, home/user/mydirectory/MYCOIN/MYCOINDATA. Once this parameter is activated, the daemon will ignore the default data directory.

The name of the alternative directory must match the value provided to the ac_name parameter.

# 📌 Examples:

Using datadir as a runtime parameter:

komodod -datadir=/home/username/coinData/DEX

# donation

donation donates all user rewards to a specific address. This value must be set to a 33 byte pubkey.

# 📌 Examples:

Using donation as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# exchange

exchange forfeits all user rewards to miners. Set this to explicitly not claim user rewards.

# 📌 Examples:

Using exchange as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# exportdir

exportdir tells the Smart Chain daemon where to store the wallet backup files created through the backupwallet and dumpwallet calls.

# 📌 Examples:

Using exportdir as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# gen

gen instructs the daemon to attempt to generate new blocks, and thereby mine new coins.

See also setgenerate.


This parameter should be avoided. Instead, start the daemon without the -gen parameter. Once the Smart Chain is launched, wait until the blockchain is synced to the current block and then execute the setgenerate method. The sync status of the blockchain can be found by executing the getinfo method and comparing the blocks and longestchain properties.


  • If the genproclimit property is not specified after the gen option, the daemon mines using 1 thread.
  • To mine using all available threads, use: -genproclimit=-1


gen=0 in the .conf file on an Smart Chain where ac_staked is enabled sets the daemon to stake using all available coins

# 📌 Examples:

Using gen as a runtime parameter to mine using 4 threads:

./komodod -gen -genproclimit=4

# genproclimit

genproclimit sets the number of threads to be used for mining. To use all the available processors, use the value -1.


Setting genproclimit=0 instructs the daemon to stake (if possible) using all available coins.

# 📌 Examples:

Using genproclimit as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file, to mine using 2 threads:


# keypool

keypool instructs the daemon to pre-generate a certain number of public/private key pairs. This can facilitate wallet.dat backups being valid for both prior transactions and several dozen future transactions.

# 📌 Examples:

Using keypool as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# listen

listen instructs the daemon to listen for RPC calls on the network. It is enabled by default, except when connect is used.

# 📌 Examples:

Using listen as a runtime parameter:

komodod -listen=1

Using listen as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# maxconnections

maxconnections sets the maximum number of inbound and outbound connections.

# 📌 Examples:

Using maxconnections as a runtime parameter:

komodod -maxconnections=NUMBER

Using maxconnections as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# mempooltxinputlimit



mempooltxinputlimit is a runtime parameter inherited from Zcash. The functionality it facilitates is now enabled by default, and therefore the parameter is deprecated. Please see the Zcash documentation for more information (opens new window).

# port

port tells the daemon to listen for p2p connections on the indicated TCP port, overwriting the default. The default p2pport for the Komodo(KMD) blockchain is 7770. The default p2p port of a Smart Chain is solely dependant on the -ac_ Antara customization parameters and values used to launch it.

# 📌 Examples:

Using port as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# proxy

proxy allows the user to connect via a SOCKS5 proxy.

# 📌 Examples:

Using proxy as a runtime parameter:

komodod -proxy=

Using proxy as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# pubkey

pubkey sets an address to use as a change address for all transactions. This value must be set to a 33 byte pubkey. All mined/staked coins will also be sent to this address. We recommend that the user ensure they own the corresponding privkey of their chosen pubkey, lest their funds be sent to a pubkey they do not own or control.

The pubkey parameter is required for all Antara-enabled chains. All Antara transactions will utilize the pubkey as an integral property.

# 📌 Examples:

Using pubkey as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


Using pubkey as a startup parameter:


# regtest

regtest instructs the Smart Chain daemon to run a regression test network. Typically, the user will create a disposable Smart Chain for these purposes. The ac_supply parameter is not required in this instance.

(A regression-test network is a useful tool for rapid trial and testing. Please reach out to us (opens new window) if you are curious to implement this tool in your workflow and are unfamiliar with the process.)

# 📌 Examples:

Using regtest as a runtime parameter:

komodod -ac_name=TEST -regtest

Using regtest as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# reindex

reindex instructs the daemon to re-index the currently synced blockchain data.


Depending on the size and state of the chain you are re-indexing, this parameter may prolong the daemon launch time.

# 📌 Examples:

Using reindex as a runtime parameter:

komodod -reindex

# rewind

rewind rewinds the chain to a specific block height. This is useful for creating snapshots at a given block height.

# 📌 Examples:

Using rewind as a runtime parameter:

komodod -rewind=777777

# rpcallowip

rpcallowip tells the daemon which ip addresses are acceptable for receiving rpc commands.

By default, only rpc connections from localhost are allowed.

Specify as many rpcallowip= settings as you like to allow connections from other hosts, either as a single IPv4/IPv6 or with a subnet specification.


Opening up the RPC port to hosts outside your local trusted network is NOT RECOMMENDED. The rpcpassword is transmitted over the network unencrypted. Also note that anyone that can authenticate on the RPC port can steal your keys and take over the server. For more information click here (opens new window).

# 📌 Examples:

Using rpcallowip as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# rpcbind

rpcbind instructs the daemon to listen for json-rpc connections.

Use [host]:port notation for IPv6.

This option can be specified multiple times.

The default setting is to bind to all interfaces.

# 📌 Examples:

Using rpcbind as a runtime parameter:

komodod -rpcbind=

Using rpcbind as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# rpcclienttimeout

rpcclienttimeout indicates the number of seconds to wait for an rpc command to complete before killing the process.

# 📌 Examples:

Using rpcclienttimeout as a runtime parameter:

komodod -rpcclienttimeout=SECONDS

Using rpcclienttimeout as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# rpcconnect

rpcconnect allows the user to connect to komodod and send RPC commands from a host. By default, it is set to localhost.


We DO NOT RECOMMEND that the average user set this value to anything other than the localhost, as it can grant access to a foreign party, who are then able to take control over komodod and all funds in your wallet.dat file.

# 📌 Examples:

Using rpcconnect as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# rpcport

rpcport tells the daemon to listen for RPC connections on the indicated TCP port overwriting the default. The default rpcport for the Komodo(KMD) blockchain is 7771. The default rpcport of a Smart Chain is solely dependant on the -ac_ Antara customization parameters and values used to launch it.

# 📌 Examples:

Using rpcport as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# sendfreetransactions

sendfreetransactions instructs the daemon to send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible. The default value is 0.

# 📌 Examples:

Using sendfreetransactions as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# server

server instructs the daemon to accept json-rpc commands. It is enabled by default.

# 📌 Examples:

Using server as a runtime parameter:

komodod -server=1

Using server as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# spentindex

spentindex instructs a Smart Chain to maintain a full index of all spent transactions (txids).

We recommend that the user manually delete the blockchain data before initiating this parameter.

spentindex is enabled by default on any Smart Chain that utilizes Antara.


The reindex parameter is not a viable alternative method for re-syncing the blockchain in this circumstance.

# 📌 Examples:

Using spentindex as a runtime parameter:

komodod -spentindex=1

Using spentindex as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# stopat

stopat stops the chain at a specific block height. This is useful for creating snapshots at a given block height.

# 📌 Examples:

Using stopat as a runtime parameter:

komodod -stopat=1000000

# testnode

The testnode parameter allows the daemon to mine without being connected to any other peers. This is useful for debugging and testing.

If this parameter is not set, the daemon will not attempt to mine blocks unless it has at least one other peer.

# 📌 Examples:

Using testnode as a runtime parameter:

./komodod -testnode=1

Using testnode as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# timestampindex

timestampindex instructs a Smart Chain to maintain a timestamp index for all block hashes.

We recommend that the user manually delete the blockchain data before initiating this parameter.


The reindex parameter is not a viable alternative method for re-syncing the Smart Chain in this circumstance.

# 📌 Examples:

Using timestampindex as a runtime parameter:

./komodod -timestampindex=1

Using timestampindex as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:


# txindex

txindex instructs a Smart Chain to track every transaction made on the relevant blockchain.

txindex is enabled by default on all Smart Chains, and is utilized in delayed Proof of Work (dPoW), privacy modules, and Antara.


Disabling txindex will cause the default Smart Chain daemon to malfunction.

# whitebind

whitelist binds the daemon to a given address and whitelists peers connecting to it.

Use [host]:port notation for IPv6

# 📌 Examples:

Using whitebind as a runtime parameter:

komodod -whitebind=

Using whitebind as a default value in the Smart Chain's .conf file:
