# Subatomic Swaps (Work In Progress)

# Introduction

This is a Work in Progress (WIP) guide for testing Komodo's new tech Subatomic OTC Swaps. It works with normal CLTV channels. Read more about it here (opens new window). Bugs are expected, please report them to #dev_subatomic channel in Komodo Discord (opens new window). Please also report any incorrect info/suggestions on this guide in #dev_subatomic channel or leave a comment at the end of this guide.

# Requirements

All chains must be native on both alice and bob nodes.

  1. Working CLI knowledge on Ubuntu/Debian to follow along this guide.
  2. DEX chain with dexp2p=2, special peer IP (available in bob and alice section inside the launch param) and privkey of the R address and zAddr imported (full sync is not mandatory).
  3. KMD chain ./komodod & - fully synced and privkey of the R address imported & funded as required.
  4. PIRATE chain ./komodod -ac_name=PIRATE -ac_supply=0 -ac_reward=25600000000 -ac_halving=77777 -ac_private=1 -addnode= & - fully synced and privkey of the zAddr imported & funded as required.

# Install Deps

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgtest-dev libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libdb++-dev ntp ntpdate software-properties-common curl clang libcurl4-gnutls-dev cmake clang libsodium-dev jq -y

Make sure you compile jl777 branch from jl777's repo and don't mix the daemon from another branch or repo.
Use the following commands in both bob and alice nodes:

git clone https://github.com/jl777/komodo
cd ~/komodo
git checkout jl777
./zcutil/build.sh -j$(nproc)
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/komodo/src/komodo-cli /usr/local/bin/komodo-cli

# Compile the subatomic daemon

This is the daemon that will used on subatomic OTC swaps. You will find the subatomic daemon inside ~/komodo/src/ directory once compiled. Please note: you need to have gcc8 to be able to compile this binary. Once the compilation finished, the binary will be available inside ~/komodo/src/ directory. Both alice & bob nodes need this. To compile/build the daemon issue the following commands:

cd ~/komodo/src/cc/dapps
cd ../../
ln cc/dapps/subatomic.json .

# bob Node

# Launch DEX Chain

Import the privkey of the corresponding pubkey of the R address and zaddr after the chain start. Make sure to change -handle according to your liking and leave _bob as it it for easy identification.

./komodod -pubkey=02c3af47b51a506b08b4ededb156cb4c3f9db9e0ac7ad27b8623c08a056fdcc220 -ac_name=DEX -dexp2p=2 -ac_supply=999999 -addnode= -handle=alien_bob -recvZaddr=zs1wq40g4wvrzc2eq9xw7wtstshgar68ash659eq20ellm5jeqsyfwe5qs3tex9l3mjnrj2yf34hw0 &


pubkey = is the pubkey of your KMD transparent (R) address. the privkey of that address needs to be imported in both KMD and DEX wallet
recvZaddr = is your PIRATE receiving address. the privkey of this address also needs to be imported into both PIRATE and DEX wallet

Important: After you have completed importing your R and zs addr privkey into the daemon, restart the DEX chain with all the params like above.

# Create bid and ask scripts


bid: ./komodo-cli -ac_name=DEX DEX_broadcast <recvZaddr> <priority> KMD PIRATE <01pubkey> $2 $1
ask: ./komodo-cli -ac_name=DEX DEX_broadcast <recvaddr> <priority> PIRATE KMD <01pubkey> $1 $2

You need to get the 01 pubkey from the DEX chain startup standard outputs, known as stdout to use inside the following scripts. For this testing we are using priority 5. Don't forget to make the bid and ask scripts executable using chmod +x command. For easy access and launch, create them inside the ~/komodo/src/ directory.

# bid
./komodo-cli -ac_name=DEX DEX_broadcast zs1wq40g4wvrzc2eq9xw7wtstshgar68ash659eq20ellm5jeqsyfwe5qs3tex9l3mjnrj2yf34hw0 5 KMD PIRATE 01b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f $2 $1
# ask
./komodo-cli -ac_name=DEX DEX_broadcast RQPZrM4yQaTZpEuoGmcGwzE4SaG2Tn9QiB 5 PIRATE KMD 01b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f $1 $2
# Posting bid & ask

For both bid and ask: ./bid or ./ask PIRATEvol KMDvol, so to get a 0.1 price use the following commands:

./bid 1000 100
./ask 1000 100

bid example output:

./bid 1000 100
  "timestamp": 1581516364,
  "id": 2855700768,
  "hash": "079268a3ca4b7e426b8486608886df3fab245db089b0d90c110ee02784db28c2",
  "tagA": "KMD",
  "tagB": "PIRATE",
  "pubkey": "01b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f",
  "payload": "b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f3582d81a2a7fe1cbf178937e9aa28881c92b0d11216403600000000000000000000000000000000068d6998ab646e7b9be0293ed7f153f4c15dd687cf80f36ed5ac94de18e6436fef12bd4d368864d193ec40bd27d625c214577897ae312be9ee7e3eb7c9664487934215c463360e48de6096f88ac348b4e19b451ee7c0adac7d5578bd2c7288a",
  "hex": 1,
  "decrypted": "zs1wq40g4wvrzc2eq9xw7wtstshgar68ash659eq20ellm5jeqsyfwe5qs3tex9l3mjnrj2yf34hw0",
  "decryptedhex": 0,
  "senderpub": "01b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f",
  "amountA": "100.00000000",
  "amountB": "1000.00000000",
  "priority": 5,
  "recvtime": 1581516364,
  "cancelled": 0

ask example output:

  "timestamp": 1581528567,
  "id": 1900124800,
  "hash": "07a81914b70bc3bf9fdd2de377bef941a6be52ada355882d400eb28c2e69b853",
  "tagA": "PIRATE",
  "tagB": "KMD",
  "pubkey": "01b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f",
  "payload": "b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f8554141b10696753c487b9f729e7e71ba2808c965e61deea00000000000000000000000000000000dbaa2f2af16622b63e45d351ac120b13729bc6f744c715dc1aca94d3b7b306bd258a1530ada3cb73fe166e46e7abcbff521be2",
  "hex": 1,
  "decrypted": "RQPZrM4yQaTZpEuoGmcGwzE4SaG2Tn9QiB",
  "decryptedhex": 0,
  "senderpub": "01b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f",
  "amountA": "0.00000000",
  "amountB": "0.00000000",
  "priority": 7,
  "recvtime": 1581528567,
  "cancelled": 0

Remember the id from the bid, the alice node will need it.

# Start the subatomic loop in bob node

This is how you start a bob node to perform the subatomic swaps. These loops will be running long term. So, better to use individual screen session for each pair your bob is running. You can attach and detach a screen without shutting down the loop.

  • To start a bob loop that accepts PIRATE for KMD use the following command in a screen session or in a separate terminal/SSH window.
./subatomic PIRATE "" KMD
  • To start a bob loop that accepts KMD for PIRATE use the following command in a screen session or in a separate terminal/SSH window.
./subatomic KMD "" PIRATE

# Launch DEX Chain for alice

Import the privkey of the corresponding pubkey of the R address and zaddr after the chain start. Make sure to change -handle according to your liking and leave _alice as it it for easy identification.

./komodod -pubkey=038e61fbface549a850862f12ed99b7cbeef5c2bd2d8f1daddb34809416f0259e1 -ac_name=DEX -dexp2p=2 -ac_supply=999999 -addnode= -handle=alien_alice -recvZaddr=zs1r3ptv82fn0yz6q47nwmgsak2dasl0v5zrprqu222f0r3mtc5p9202t82lt2vu4wmr386v2cx4tn &


pubkey = is the pubkey of your KMD transparent (R) address. the privkey of that address needs to be imported in both KMD and DEX wallet
recvZaddr = is your PIRATE receiving address. the privkey of this address also needs to be imported into both PIRATE and DEX wallet

Important: After you have completed importing your R and zs addr privkey into the daemon, restart the DEX chain with all the params like above.

You also need KMD and PIRATE chain in native mode in Alice node and corresponding privkey imported & funded as required. You can find the launch params of these chains here (opens new window).

# Display Orderbook

Display orderbook data using the following example. You can change the coin name and base/rel as your liking.

./komodo-cli -ac_name=DEX DEX_orderbook 10 0 PIRATE KMD

Example Output:

./komodo-cli -ac_name=DEX DEX_orderbook 10 0 PIRATE KMD
  "asks": [
      "price": "0.05000000",
      "baseamount": "100.00000000",
      "relamount": "5.00000000",
      "priority": 6,
      "pubkey": "01b977e90eba4e21ccaf432a7866e313682b51c350bd319c5ebbc76e176ecad44f",
      "timestamp": 1581538693,
      "hash": "076ce1b408a6e404ed92cd5fff589962e330f36aaf00514e217b8bf51a4e31f5",
      "id": 2337150656
  "bids": [
  "base": "PIRATE",
  "rel": "KMD"

# Start the subatomic swaps

Once all above are done and you have the id of an order that you would like to swap with, you are ready to start a subatomic swap. All you to do is just use ./subatomic PIRATE "" <bid id> <fill amount>


./subatomic PIRATE "" 2855700768 10

# Important Notes

- Remember to use small amount while testing.
- Check your balances in the corresponding wallet and make sure that this is what you expected.
- Report any bugs in #dev_subatomic channel of Komodo Discord.
- For the pubkey and recvZaddr, use your own. Don't use the key and addresses that are used as example.