# Rogue
The Rogue Antara module is an Antara implementation of the classic Unix game, Rogue.
# Tutorial Availability
An installation, Rogue API, and gameplay walkthrough is available in the Antara Tutorials section.
# bailout
cclib bailout 17 '["gametxid"]'
The bailout
method allows a user to withdraw their character from the game.
This method is only available when the character is still alive. The character must remain alive until the returned bailout_txid
is mined.
Also, the character must have more than 0
gold and must have killed at least 1
monster. Otherwise, the bailout
method will treat the character as dead, regardless of the character's status.
When the character successfully bails out from the game, all in-game gold the character has captured is converted into ROGUE
The conversion ratio depends upon the mode of gameplay.
- Single-player mode:
ROGUE_satoshis = gold * gold * dungeon_level_on_exit * 10
- Multi-player mode:
ROGUE_satoshis = gold * gold * dungeon_level_on_exit * 20
The conversion is facilitated using globally locked ROGUE
coins. The funds in this global vault automatically accrue through asset-chain activity. In the event that there are not enough globally locked funds at the time the method is executed, the player must simply wait until the funds are generated via automated methods. You can encourage this fund to grow more quickly by encouraging other players and people to transact using ROGUE, as transactions feed the fund.
The method returns a hex
value. While most methods in the Komodo API require the user/developer to broadcast the hex
value using sendrawtransaction, the Rogue module broadcasts automatically.
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
gametxid | (string) | the gametxid transaction id that identifies the game for which the user would like to bail out their character |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
myrogueaddr | (string) | the address on the Smart Chain for the user's pubkey |
gametxid | (string) | the unique gametxid transaction id that identifies this game |
hex | (string) | a hex value containing the relevant game data; this value is broadcast automatically |
txid | (string) | a playertxid transaction id that identifies this unique character; this txid can be used in the future with the register method to reuse the character from this game |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib bailout 17 '["39b65c12e37f6338b2daf8b7d8d6e1b6c083622590cb7a318daadabc785b73f0"]'
# extract
cclib extract 17 '["gametxid","pubkey"]'
The extract
method allows the user to extract the complete history of a game. This allows the user to view a replay of the game.
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
gametxid | (string) | the transaction id that was returned after broadcasting the returned hex value from the newgame method |
pubkey | (string) | the pubkey of the player for whom the user desires to extract all relevant game data |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
gametxid | (string) | the transaction id that was returned after broadcasting the returned hex value from the newgame method |
rogueaddr | (string) | the address for the pubkey |
status | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
keystrokes | (string) | all keyboard strokes concatenated into a single hex string |
numkeys | (number) | the total number of keystrokes (ASCII symbols) |
playertxid | (string) | the playertxid transaction id that represents the character belonging to the indicated pubkey |
extracted | (string) | the gameplay progress extracted via the keystrokes replay feature |
seed | (decimal number) | the blockchain-generated random seed. This provides the necessary randomization for players to generate the current game's level design. The seed value is revealed at the start block height. |
replay | (string) | the complete terminal command that must be executed to begin this game |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib extract 17 '["6bb0efcb14cd5101a4d8d8865c6a93162aa9480c5d3e0ce33902193cebdc4c39","0325151cf0f7321d0cde232898c5adc6b60f32df71b79af3a49d10020d42925ae9"]'
# gameinfo
cclib gameinfo 17 '["gametxid"]'
The gameinfo
method returns relevant information about the indicated gametxid
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
gametxid | (string) | the transaction id that was returned after broadcasting the returned hex value from the newgame method |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
gametxid | (decimal number) | the indicated gametxid transaction id |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
gameheight | (decimal number) | the block height at which this gametxid was created |
height | (decimal number) | this value is the same as the gameheight value above |
start | (decimal number) | the block height at which the seed will be revealed |
starthash | (string) | the hash of the start block |
seed | (decimal number) | the blockchain-generated random seed. This provides the necessary entropy for players to generate the current game's level design. The seed value is revealed at the start block height. |
run | (string) | the complete terminal command that must be executed to begin this game |
alive | (decimal number) | the number of players still alive in the game |
numplayers | (decimal number) | the total number of players that joined the game |
maxplayers | (decimal number) | the max number of players the game allows |
buyin | (number) | the amount of ROGUE coins required for a player to join |
players | (array of strings) | an array containing the identifying transaction ids of each player |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib gameinfo 17 '["b9ab1c3b9a1dceea75d0d87b927a03d8519743d4d64b9be061c40fdd5e4f5026"]'
# games
cclib games 17
The games
method displays a list of the user's unfinished and finished games.
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
pastgames | (array of strings) | an array of gametxid transaction ids of finished games, from the user's local wallet file |
games | (array of strings) | an array of gametxid transaction ids of unfinished games, from the user's local wallet file |
numgames | (decimal number) | the total number of games, from the user's local wallet file |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib games 17
# highlander
cclib highlander 17 '["gametxid"]'
The highlander
method allows a character to exit the game and claim the buyin
prize funds.
In single-player mode, the highlander
method is available after safely retrieving the amulet
and exiting the dungeon.
In multi-player mode, the highlander
method is available either to the character that is the last man standing, or to any character that successfully retrieves the amulet
and exits the dungeon.
# Highlander Rewards
The character that successfully executes the highlander
method receives an increased ratio of conversion from in-game gold to ROGUE
coins. The ratio depends upon the mode of gameplay; see below for further details.
The conversion is facilitated using globally locked ROGUE
coins. The funds in this global vault automatically accrue through asset-chain activity. In the event that there are not enough globally locked funds at the time the highlander
method is executed, the player must wait until the funds are generated via automated methods. You can encourage this fund to grow more quickly by encouraging other players and people to transact using ROGUE, as transactions feed the fund.
# Rewards in Single-Player Mode
ROGUE_satoshis = gold * gold * dungeon_level_on_exit * 10
# Rewards in Multi-Player Mode
ROGUE_satoshis = gold * gold * dungeon_level_on_exit * 20
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
gametxid | (string) | the gametxid transaction id that identifies the game for which the user would like to bail out their character |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
myrogueaddr | (string) | the address on the Smart Chain for the user's pubkey |
gametxid | (string) | the unique gametxid transaction id that identifies this game |
txid | (string) | a playertxid transaction id that identifies this unique character; this txid can be used in the future with the register method to reuse the character from this game |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib highlander 17 '["b94a0c14604df04a994e8fde610af7ddede76a62e1e3d86bbdac18e695662301"]'
# keystrokes
cclib keystrokes 17 '["gametxid","keystrokes"]'
The keystrokes
method executes the indicated keystroke
for the indicated gametxid
The player's keystrokes on the keyboard are recorded in ASCII format. See this link (opens new window) for a table of ASCII keyboard translations.
After a game concludes the complete list of keystrokes can be found in the ~/komodo/src/keystrokes.log
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
gametxid | (string) | the gametxid transaction id that identifies the game for which the user would like to bail out their character |
keystrokes | (string) | the desired keystrokes, provided in ASCII format and concatenated into a single string |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
gametxid | (string) | the unique gametxid transaction id that identifies this game |
keystrokes | (string) | the desired keystrokes, provided in ASCII format and concatenated into a single string |
batontxid | (string) | the unique batontxid transaction id; this value is useful for tracing the route of a utxo/token through the blockchain database |
playertxid | (string) | the unique identifying transaction id of this player |
hex | (string) | a hex value containing the relevant game data; this value is broadcast automatically |
txid | (string) | a unique transaction id for the keystrokes transaction |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
error | (string) | error messages are returned here |
id | (string) | the returned value here, jl777 , is constant and can be ignored |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib keystrokes 17 '["777ba510824b467e9ddfb00a075e9cd5c6f73d1fa6f772b1a22563502def25ee","6a68686868686866686820686868682068686868206868666868686c6c6c6c6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6c6a6a6a68666b"]'
# newgame
cclib newgame 17 '[maxplayers, buyin]'
The newgame
method creates a new game.
The buyin
argument is required for multi-player games. The coins contributed via buyin
become a winner-takes-all pot. Either the first player to claim the amulet
and return from the dungeon, or the last player standing; may claim this prize using the highlander method.
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
maxplayers | (decimal number) | the max number of players; if set to 1 , the game begins in single-player mode |
buyin | (number, required if maxplayers > 1 ) | the required amount to contribute per player; the winner receives all buyin coins |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
maxplayers | (decimal number) | the max number of players for this game |
buyin | (number) | the required amount to contribute per player; the winner receives all buyin coins |
type | (string) | the level of difficulty for this game |
hex | (string) | a hex value containing the relevant game data; this value is broadcast automatically |
txid | (string) | a transaction id that represents the gametxid |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
# 📌 Examples
Command for a single-player training game:
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib newgame 17 "[1]"
# pending
cclib pending 17
The pending
method displays a list of unfinished games on the Smart Chain.
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
pending | (array of strings) | an array of gametxid 's that represent unfinished games on the Smart Chain |
numpending | (decimal number) | the total number of unfinished games on the Smart Chain |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib pending 17
# playerinfo
cclib playerinfo 17 '["playertxid"]'
The playerinfo
method displays information about the currently active character.
# Tips on Finding Character Information
There are occasions where the developer may wish to start with the tokentxid
of a character(s) and from there find the most up-to-date playertxid
The following is one solution:
- If necessary, obtain a list of all
on the Smart Chain via the tokenlist method. - For each item in the response, execute an iterative function that executes the playerinfo method on the individual
.- If the method responds with an error, this means that the supplied
does not represent a character. Rather, it represents another on-chain asset, and therefore the token can be ignored.
- If the method responds with an error, this means that the supplied
- For each response from the
method check two elements: whether the data contains abatontxid
; whether the character is alive.- If there is a
, theplayertxid
has been used in a game and is no longer valid. Therefore, thisplayertxid
can be ignored. - Likewise, if the character is no longer alive, it can be ignored.
- If there is a
- Each
that has a valid response, nobatontxid
, and represents a living character can be considered the correcttokentxid
for the discoveredplayertxid
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
gametxid | (string) | the gametxid transaction id that identifies the game for which the user would like to bail out their character |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
player | (json object) | a json object containing relevant player data |
playertxid | (string) | the unique identifying transaction id of this player |
tokenid | (string) | the unique transaction id that represents this character as a non-fungible asset for on-chain trading using the Tokens CC module |
data | (string) | the character-state information in hex form |
pack | (array of strings) | an array containing the items in the character's pack |
packsize | (number) | the number of items in the character's pack |
hitpoints | (number) | see this linked manual (opens new window) for further information |
strength | (number) | see this linked manual (opens new window) for further information |
level | (number) | see this linked manual (opens new window) for further information |
experience | (number) | see this linked manual (opens new window) for further information |
dungeonlevel | (number) | see this linked manual (opens new window) for further information |
chain | (string) | the name of the Smart Chain on which this game is occurring |
pname | (string) | the name of the user's currently active character |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib playerinfo 17 '["cf2ae0997e24f100aa9da3cda747105e3134a102da69630d6d1683a6f0f7b0ab"]'
# players
cclib players 17
The players
method displays a list of all playertxid
transaction ids held in the user's current pubkey
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
(none) |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
playerdata | (array of strings) | an array containing all playertxid transaction ids in the user's local wallet |
numplayerdata | (decimal number) | the number of playertxid transaction ids in the playerdata array |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib players 17
# register
cclib register 17 '["gametxid"(,"playertxid")]'
The register
method registers your character for a game.
The optional playertxid
allows the user to reuse a character that survived a previous game.
For the playertxid
argument to properly call an existing character, the user's daemon must be set to the pubkey
that owns the playertxid
. This can be accomplished either through the pubkey launch parameter or through the setpubkey method.
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
gametxid | (string) | the gametxid of the game the user desires to join |
playertxid | (string, optional) | the playertxid of an existing character the user owns and would like to use |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
maxplayers | (decimal number) | the max number of players allowed in this game |
buyin | (number) | the required buyin amount of ROGUE coins to enter the game |
type | (string) | the level of difficulty for this game |
hex | (string) | a hex value of registration data; this value is broadcast automatically |
txid | (string) | a transaction id that indicates the playertxid for this character |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
# 📌 Examples
Command (registration without player):
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib register 17 '["b9ab1c3b9a1dceea75d0d87b927a03d8519743d4d64b9be061c40fdd5e4f5026"]'
# setname
cclib setname 17 '["pname"]'
The setname
method sets the name of a character.
A character may receive a name
at any point, but the character's name may be set only once. It is not possible to rename a character.
# Arguments
Name | Type | Description |
pname | (string) | the desired name for the user's currently active character |
# Response
Name | Type | Description |
name | (string) | the name of the module |
method | (string) | the name of the method |
result | (string) | whether the command executed successfully |
pname | (string) | the desired name for the user's currently active character |
# 📌 Examples
./komodo-cli -ac_name=ROGUE cclib setname 17 '["SuperMegaWarrior"]'