# Installing AtomicDEX Software (MM2)
# Minimum Requirements for Installation
MacOS, Windows (see note below), and Linux (see note below)
64-bit (see note below for 32-bit)
Minimum 2GB of free RAM
Normal user account with admin/root privileges
If you would prefer to avoid building MM2 from source, you can download our pre-built binary from our Github releases page. (opens new window)
# Note about Linux
For Linux users, much of the following documentation assumes that you are building and running MM2 on a Debian 9/10 or Ubuntu 18.04 host. If you have questions about other releases or distributions, please reach out to us on the #dev-marketmaker channel on Discord. (opens new window)
# Note about Installing on Windows
Developing software on Windows typically requires an installation of Git Bash.
Git Bash is a terminal shell based on Unix. It is similar to the Windows Shell or Windows Command Prompt, but uses Unix-based syntax.
All instructions in the MarketMaker 2.0 documentation are given with Unix-based syntax, and therefore we recommend installing Git Bash before proceeding.
You may download and install Git Bash for Windows here:
Download Git Bash for Windows (opens new window)
The download should begin automatically.
Double-click the downloaded .exe
file and follow the Installation Wizard.
Once Git Bash is open and running on your machine, you may continue.
# Note About 32-bit Operating Systems
We are currently testing 32-bit operating system functionality. As 32-bit machines can often be comparatively older hardware, we cannot guarantee that MarketMaker 2.0 will run successfully by default.
We invite users of 32-bit operating systems to test the software and report any errors to our team on the #dev-marketmaker channel on Discord (opens new window).
# Installing Dependencies
# Rust
Install Rust (opens new window):
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Choose 2)
to customize the installation, select default host triple
and default toolchain
, and choose the minimal

# cmake Version 3.12 or Higher
Download the cmake software here: download link (opens new window)
Unpack and follow the instructions here: instructions link (opens new window)
# Build Tools for Your OS
# Linux:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
# Windows: Follow these instructions for MSVC (opens new window)
# MacOS: Install XCode via the App Store (opens new window)
# Install Additional Dependencies
Install the following additional dependencies using the terminal.
sudo apt-get install -y git llvm-3.9-dev libclang-3.9-dev clang-3.9 libssl-dev pkg-config
# Install Additional Rust Components
Install additional Rust components:
rustup install nightly-2020-02-01
rustup default nightly-2020-02-01
(Optional) Skip this step if it fails.
rustup component add rustfmt-preview
# Install jq
is an optional, but useful addition to our needed software. jq
can provide a more readable format of JSON output in the terminal, which helps us more quickly digest mm2's data.
# Linux:
sudo apt-get install jq
# MacOS:
Download the appropriate file from this link. (opens new window)
In your terminal, make the file executable by changing into the directory where the file downloaded and executing:
chmod +x jq
Execute the file.
# Windows:
Download and execute the appropriate file from this link. (opens new window)
# Build MM2
Clone the MM2 repository:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API --branch mm2 --single-branch && cd atomicDEX-API
Compile the source code.
cargo build --features native -vv
# MacOS
If the above command results in an error, use the following command instead.
LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib cargo build --features native -vv
Alternatively, create a permanent link called libcrypto
to /usr/local/lib
ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.a /usr/local/lib
If everything installed successfully, a response that is similar to the following should appear.
“Finished dev [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3m 33s”
The MM2 executable is now built and available here: ~/atomicDEX-API/target/debug/mm2