# Get your Coin/Token/Asset listed on mmV1

# BarterDEX is officially deprecated as of this writing and mm2 is under testing before public release.

  • Adding a coin to the BarterDEX is as simple as writing one line of code if your coin is a Bitcoin compatible. Below is a breakdown of the information needed from the source code and coin parameters. The first step is to gather all the information below and contact (Username: @cipi#4502 in Discord (opens new window)) our specialists for review.
  • For ETH compatibles go to: How to Add new ERC20 Tokens to MarketmakerV1
  • The exact steps to be followed for submitting a Pull Request on Github are described here.

# Coin Spec

The Proposed coin must have support for the following API calls and must have BIP65 implemented.


# Information Required

# Example

  • Coin Ticker : LTC
  • Coin Name: litecoin
  • rpcport : 9332
  • pubtype : 48
  • taddr : 0
  • p2shtype : 50
  • wiftype : 176
  • txfee : 1000000
  • active : 1

# Details to take note of

  1. After getting confirmation from our specialists, submit an icon to the icons directory of the repository: https://github.com/jl777/coins (opens new window) through a Pull Request.
  2. BarterDEX uses the info of a coin in the file: https://github.com/jl777/coins/blob/master/coins (opens new window) to perform atomic-swaps.
  3. The explorer repository of the proposed coin contains some of the info required to connect BarterDEX to the coin's own explorer infrastructure.
  4. The coin devs will have to send us a small amount of the proposed coin to test the swaps with.
  5. Electrum servers are in the electrums-directory. Every coin has its own file there: https://github.com/jl777/coins/tree/master/electrums (opens new window)

# Json Output Example

  "coin": "LTC",
  "name": "litecoin",
  "active": 1,
  "rpcport": 9332,
  "pubtype": 48,
  "p2shtype": 50,
  "wiftype": 176,
  "txfee": 100000

# Note

The key taddr , is for zcash forks. It refers to the coin having transparent and zaddresses. The value that has to be passed is the value taken from the file src/chainparams.cpp from the wallets source code and it is the first value present in both base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] and base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS], but converted to decimal, not the HEX. So if base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = {0x1C,0xB8} , the taddr is 0x1C coverted to decimal: 0x1C in HEX = 28 in decimal. the "taddr" : 28

# Search for the information on Github

All of the information and parameters required are normally contained within but not limited to these files (depends on your coin):

# Additional Information

  • Lead developer's Github account
  • Bitcointalk Account
  • Information about the team and purpose of the coin
  • Social Media Accounts

# Contact Us

Once the information is collected, please contact us via email: coinintegration@komodoplatform.com or in the #dev-tradebots channel in our Discord (opens new window) and request a coin addition. Provide us with all the relevant information and our specialists will get in touch.

# How to Add new ERC20 Tokens in BarterDEX

Adding ERC20 tokens in BarterDEX is very easy. We just need some information about the token.

# Requirements

  • approve and transferFrom methods are a must for the swaps to work
  • Contract address
  • Ticker Symbol
  • Name of the token
  • CoinMarketCap name (for the autoprice with CMC to work)
  • Token Logo
  • Some tokens for testing
  • rpcport is same for all tokens in BarterDEX

The following is an example using OmiseGo (OMG)

  "coin": "OMG",
  "name": "omisego",
  "fname": "OmiseGo",
  "etomic": "0xd26114cd6EE289AccF82350c8d8487fedB8A0C07",
  "rpcport": 80

# Contact Us

Once the information is collected, please contact us via email: coinintegration@komodoplatform.com or in the #dev-tradebots channel in our Discord (opens new window) and request a coin addition. Provide us with all the relevant information and our specialists will get in touch.

You can send some tokens to test to the following BarterDEX test engineers.

Cipi: 0xdf38dd108bab50da564092ad0cd739c4634d963c