# How to submit a Pull Request to add a coin to mmV1

# BarterDEX is officially deprecated as of this writing and mm2 is under testing before public release.

When submitting a pull request to add a coin to BarterDEX, make sure you have completed this checklist:

# 0. The coin must be tested with mmV1 atomic swaps

  • When submitting your coin addition request, please submit the URLs of the three transctions (bobdeposit, alicepayment and bobpayment) which are produced by the atomic swap performed through the marketmaker API. This means that before going through the further steps in this doc and submit the data to this coins database repo (opens new window) , you would have performed an atomic swap. The further steps explain the expected files/values to be submitted.
  • You can learn about performing an atomic swap here (Installing) and here (trading)
  • Or you can contact the team at coinintegration@komodoplatform.com or in the #dev-tradebots channel in our Discord (opens new window) to get help if required.

# Example

# 1. Coin info added to coins file (Required)

You need to add the following info in JSON format to coins (opens new window) file:

# Example 1
    "coin": "LTC",
    "name": "litecoin",
    "fname": "Litecoin",
    "rpcport": 9332,
    "pubtype": 48,
    "p2shtype": 5,
    "wiftype": 176,
    "txfee": 100000
# Example 2
    "coin": "PEW",
    "name": "brofist",
    "fname": "Brofist",
    "confpath": "USERHOME/.brofistcore/brofist.conf"
    "rpcport": 12454,
    "pubtype": 55,
    "p2shtype": 10,
    "wiftype": 198,
    "txfee": 10000
# Example 3
    "coin": "REP",
    "name": "augur",
    "fname": "Augur",
    "etomic": "0xE94327D07Fc17907b4DB788E5aDf2ed424adDff6",
    "rpcport": 80

# Bitcoin Protocol specific JSON

  • The value of the key "coin" must be the coin ticker.
  • The value of the key "name" must be coin's name, in all small letters. This is the value which is expected to be the default data directory name for that coin in Linux. For example if the coin's name is Litecoin then it's expected data directory on Linux is ~/.litecoin/, on Mac - ~/Library/Applications Support/Litecoin/, on Windows - %AppData%\\Litecoin. Please keep this key's value in small letters only.
  • "confpath" must be used ONLY in case the expected data directory name of the coin/project is different to the key - "name"'s value, as explained in last point. Please refer to Example 2 above for better understanding. Make sure to use the exact format for confpath. You don't need to change the word USERHOME, it remains as is. Make sure you have a /. after USERHOME. And then the expected coin/project's data directory path and its expected .conf file name.
  • "fname" must be the coin's full name.
  • "rpcport" must be coin's default RPC port. It is expected that it doesn't conflict with any other existing coin in the coins db.
  • "pubtype", "p2shtype", and "wiftype" is also the very specific information about the coin's parameters. This is specific to Bitcoin Protocol compatible coins only, and such information can be found in the source code of the project. These parameters' information can be expected in files like src/init.cpp, src/base58.h, and src/chainparamsbase.h if the project is following the bitcoin source code directory/files structure. If the parameters info is unclear then please have these confirmed by that coin/project's developers and make sure it's correct.
  • "txfee" is a value of default transactions fee, which must be specified in satoshis. BarterDEX uses this as the default transaction fee value for the coin, when making the atomic swap transactions.

# Ethereum Protocol specific JSON

  • Ethereum protocol specific coin/project addition requests are very simple. "coin", "name", and "fname" information is same as explained in the above bitcoin protocol specific json section.
  • "rpcport" must remain default for all ERC20 token/coins. Make sure its only specified as 80.
  • "etomic" must be the ERC20 token/coin's smart contract address.

# 2. Icon file (Required)

  • An icon that represents the coin is required.
  • The icon file must be in the .png format.
  • Dimentions of icon file: 82x82 pixels.
  • The icon file's name MUST be in small letters.
  • The icon file should be submitted to the directory: icons (opens new window) through a Pull Request.

# 3. Explorer URL (Required)

  • Explorer file name must be coin's ticker name matching the "coin" value as specified in coins (opens new window) file.
  • Explorer file name must not have any file extension. It is a file without any . extension.
  • Explorer file name must be all in capital letters.
  • It must have a valid JSON array with at least one Explorer URL in it. It's better if there are more than one explorer URLs in this JSON array. Example: ["http://example1.com/tx/","http://example2.com/tx/"].
  • The URL of Explorer must be pointing to the transactions URL. Check BTC file for an example: explorers/BTC (opens new window) , which has ["https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/tx/"]. This explorer's URL is used to show in graphical applications to link to the transactions like this example link (opens new window) . Make sure this URL ends with /.

# 4. Electrum Servers (Optional)

  • Electrum file name must be coin's ticker name matching the "coin" value as specified in the coins (opens new window) file.
  • Electrum file name must not have any file extension. It is a file without any . extension.
  • Electrum file name must be in all capital letters.
  • It must be a valid JSON format as shown in the following example:
    "electrum1.example.com": 12345,
    "contact": [
        "email": "electrum1_admin_email@example.com"
        "matrix": "@electrum1_admin:matrix.org"
        "skype": "example_username"
        "twitter": "example_username"
        "reddit": "example_username"
        "github": "example_username"
        "keybaseio": "example_username"
    "electrum2.example.com": 12345,
    "contact": [
        "email": "electrum2_admin_email@example.com"
  • A minimum of 2 or more Electrum servers information must be provided.
  • Contact information must be provided in case the server admin needs to be contacted in urgent cases when required. It can be any contact information out of the examples provided. Or may be add your own service/contact information as it suites you.
  • The address and port of electrum server are required. The address of electrum server can either be a DNS or an IP address.