# Simple Installations

# Smart Chain Installation

To install the Komodo daemon, komodod, and its necessary counterpart, komodo-cli, the simplest method is to download pre-compiled binaries.

Downloadable packages are available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

Download and unzip the software files for your operating system.. (opens new window)

# Installing the Simple Downloadable Files

Once unzipped, the executables do not require installation. Simply find komodod and komodo-cli in the directory where you unzipped the files.

You may also build komodod and komodo-cli from source. This is not required, but it is considered the best practice. Building from source enables you to receive the latest patches and security upgrades the moment they are pushed to the komodod source.

# Using the official Docker image

Komodo offers a Docker image that has pre-built versions of the Komodo software. The image is based on the Ubuntu operating system and offers different versions of the software that are built from different Komodo Github repositories, such as the dev, beta, and research branches.

The Docker image can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/r/komodoofficial/komodo (opens new window).

An example of how the image can be used is available in this github repository (opens new window).

# See the Smart Chains Documentation for Further Details

Please see the full Smart Chains technical documentation for full software explanations.

You will find a walkthrough on building from source here.

# AtomicDEX Installation

# Installing AtomicDEX Software

The following links contain downloadable AtomicDEX software. Simply download the files appropriate for your operating system, extract them to your desired location, and double click the application to begin.

Link to AtomicDEX Software - Simple Installations (opens new window)

# Using the official Docker image

Komodo offers a Docker image that features the AtomicDEX software. This Docker image is based on the Ubuntu (Linux) operating system.

The image can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/r/komodoofficial/atomicdexapi (opens new window).

An explanation of how the image can be used is available in the "Overview" section of the above linked webpage.

# Additional AtomicDEX Documentation

Please see the following links for further details regarding AtomicDEX software.

Link to Source Code Installation Methods

Link to AtomicDEX API